Custom Map #507: Quick Tutorial. By: Mike1011031

Started by AutoPost, April 27, 2014, 02:51:02 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #507: Quick Tutorial

Author: Mike1011031
Size: 128x84

A tutorial I made to explain all units in the map. (minus thors)


I don´t think it serves the purpose of teaching someone to play this game very well. As it is, I think, playing the campaign does a much better job at it.

This is not entirely your fault. Creeper World can be fairly complicated and you even used some of those things in your map. Void, altitude levels, spores, network bridging, etc. -  especially if you are a first time player and have no clue, it can be intimidating.

I felt that your tutorial didn´t do a good job, partly because of the beforementioned complexity but here are a few things YOU should have done better.

1) You mentioned briefly that you can station units on PZ, but you never mention you can do that with buildings as well. Since you need to bridge the first gap by placing a relay on a PZ, you should have explained the more intricate effects of powerzones.
2) After trying to slowly introduce techs, on the second island, basically you throw all the remaining techs in my face and say "deal with it." You don´t bother explaining very much. You should´ve taken it more slowly and explained what the best uses are for each tech. ( Like strafer for disrupting digitalis, etc. )
3) You don´t explain what flight inhibitors are and how to counter them.
4) Some units don´t need to be in there, like the BErtha. While it MAY be fun to some to have great firepower at your hand, the tutorial already takes half an hour ( 45 minutes with pausing ) with just the basic units - if you KNOW what you are doing. Playing around with berthas and their auto targeting function, etc. adds nothing to the tutorial esp, since you do not explain them. I won´t start to try imagining what time it would take for a new player to complete.
5) You do not care to mention that you DO NEED to do a better job at energy management, if you add functions to your network. I am talking about totems here, espcially since you have quite a few which can drain a lot of energy. Whenever you expand your network you should mention that you need to be able to fund it.
6) You do not explain at all which techs do what and why each tech could be important to take. You just throw tons of Aether there. While it certainly is fun experimenting, a few clearing words should have found it´s way in this tutorial.
7) You give no hints on how to really assault from one island to the other. It would certainly help new players to understand how damage on unit works and that you can dip them in creeper for a short time, so they can clear up a bit of a bridgehead.

Overall a good effort, but too ambititous and a bit sloppily done. I felt you omitted a lot of explanations. I know scripting can be very tiresome, and a project can grow over your head and it surely feels like the size of it just grew over your head.

I do not mean to discourage you, but I felt I needed to pick you up on your high standards ( teaching a newbie how to play in one single map ) and how I felt you failed those.

I also have to say, that I still enjoyed a few of the challanges you put in there and that the map is probably better done than most "Copy and paste DMD map", which can still be fun but you put quite some effort into it. So, keep it up ;)

Again: Not meaning to be rude, but I felt a map that writes "tutorial" on it´s flags needed a bit of critique.


@Mike -
I thought you did a really nice job with this - and extra cool that you did it for your dad.
You cover all of the basics and do well at explaining the various pieces.
It seems obvious (to me) that you will be right there on hand to help out and personally do some tutoring.

Good effort with a great idea.


Thanks for the feedback guys. I made this map rather quickly, and I am a rather experienced player, so i guess i overlooked some things.
Is this Loss?