Volcano Like Script

Started by F0R, April 10, 2014, 07:31:34 PM

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Hey guys, i'm looking for a script to make a volcano like creeper. It possible could someone show me some code that would:

5 - 10 Second Random burst of creeper delay.
Progressively stronger creeper.

I was wondering if this was possible. Thanks

Lost in Nowhere

This should work:
Code (Volcano.crpl) Select
#Author: Lost in Nowhere


<-StartCreeper ->c_amt

CurrentCoords <-c_amt SetCreeper
<-Increase <-c_amt add ->c_amt
<-MinDelayS 30 mul <-MaxDelayS 30 mul @RandFloatBetween Delay

@RandFloatBetween #f1 f2 -- f3
->rfb_max ->rfb_min
<-rfb_max <-rfb_min sub RandFloat mul <-rfb_min add
Don't die! :)