Custom Map #317: teks024 flipper-licious 2. By: teknotiss

Started by AutoPost, March 22, 2014, 08:24:46 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #317: teks024 flipper-licious 2

Author: teknotiss
Size: 219x129

another flip-mitter map, get it done dude! cheers to Zack for the scripts


Fun stuff.
Neat trick
A couple dozen Bombers and a well timed PZ-Bertha shot will flip an emitter.  Also a PZ-Bertha on a bunch of bugs on an emitter can flip one.

Loren Pechtel

Quote from: Jerdog on March 22, 2014, 10:15:33 PM
Fun stuff.
Neat trick
A couple dozen Bombers and a well timed PZ-Bertha shot will flip an emitter.  Also a PZ-Bertha on a bunch of bugs on an emitter can flip one.

It doesn't even take that.  I built a pack of bombers (you have ore coming out of your ears here and I put a couple of sprayers on siphon next to the emitter also, I never managed to use as much ore as I had coming in.  The first two emitters I took by putting blasters on the PZs and sending in the bombers.  I then replaced the blasters with berthas and kept aiming them at the next two emitters.  I would send in the bombers and it flipped every time, I made no effort to time it.  Beyond that I build snipers and some blasters set to kill the digitalis and simply marched across the map.  The limiting factor was pretty much the flight time of the bombers.


The runners were super annoying, but at least they dropped AC.
Wait, no, they didn't. Or did they? I couldn't tell.


I think this map need no cannons and mortars. I won it easily without those - used only snipers, berthas and sprayers.