Custom Map #315: Creeper Maze. By: Jayz - wakebord99

Started by AutoPost, March 22, 2014, 06:04:23 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #315: Creeper Maze

Author: Jayz - wakebord99
Size: 256x256



It looks as though you put a lot of thought and effort into creating this, but the size (way too big to manage) and weapon restrictions make me hesitate to even try.
I appreciate the work you did and hope that other enjoy playing it.


Quote from: Helper on March 22, 2014, 06:36:02 PM
It looks as though you put a lot of thought and effort into creating this, but the size (way too big to manage) and weapon restrictions make me hesitate to even try.
I appreciate the work you did and hope that other enjoy playing it.

i think there will be a critical mass moment of sprayers, once you have a ton of them this map will become fairly straight forward.
but it's not for me, i just don't like the limits, too unbalanced
if the sprayers were cheaper it'd be great fun, and having one bertha (as a pick up to grab maybe?) would make this map a 9/10 for me, as it is i doubt i'll finish it since i won't sit for ages waiting for really expensive sprayers, i have maps to finalise ;)
clearly a lot of work i agree H, but not a map for me  :)
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.... Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.... Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?.... Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" --- Epicurus


H and Teks are right. There are far too many restrictions here. There's a severe energy deficit through out the entire map. Far too few weapons to really do anything. You can't build up a reserve on energy, you can increase energy output. You can really do nothing.


Played about halfway through. Thought it was a fun creeper-oriented map. Quit because I got so sick of spending most of my time putting relays back up.

Map would be a lot better with no spores, or at least if it had lasers.


Nice exercise in the use of AC. Using power zones is the key. (Shift your reactors and at least some collectors to power zones when you can.)

By the end I had adequate power (and virtually unlimited AC via sprayers set to collect); and the spores were more annoyance than threat. (Sprayers set to 'always on' will give you damage control; and I built backup supply routes wherever possible.) For the really heavy creeper at the top I launched a squadron of PZ bombers; and gathered most of the sprayers I had accumulated.
Power. Power! I must have more POWER!


Kartra is correct.  The key here is knowing how to use your power zones.  there's more than enough power available.

Also, all spores can be taken out within the first 10 minutes with some planning.

That being said I've had my fun so i'll open it up for the rest of ya'll.