Custom Map #245: Thistle-2. By: First

Started by AutoPost, February 21, 2014, 05:40:36 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #245: Thistle-2

Author: First
Size: 162x91

Inhibitor siege, with a twist. As always, comments on the CW3 forum are appreciated!




Sure no worries!

Here's the script

# pump.crpl
# Created on: 2/20/2014 8:20:20 PM
# By First - Happy crpling
# ------------------------------------------

#Pump interval, in frames
#X,Y coords of where the pumped creeper goes - Manually entered based on desired target
#Multiplier - see the CreeperMux and AntiCreeperMux multipliers, too

#Event Timers - Pumping, and animating the image
<-PumpRateFrames SetTimer0
60 SetTimer1
#Persistent variable to track the current rotation of the image
0 ->Theta
#Extra hardcoded constants for game balance. In this map, I used a bonus 5x multiplier if the pump was pumping
#anticreeper (to speed up the endgame)
1.0 ->CreeperMux
5.0 ->AntiCreeperMux

#Pump - first zero the creeper at the pump intake, then add it back with multipliers at the location of the inhibitor
GetTimer0 eq0 if
CurrentCoords GetCreeper ->CreeperAmt
CurrentCoords 0 SetCreeper
<-CreeperAmt 0 gt if
<-PumpTargetX <-PumpTargetY <-CreeperAmt <-PumpMultiplier mul <-CreeperMux mul AddCreeper
<-PumpTargetX <-PumpTargetY <-CreeperAmt <-PumpMultiplier mul <-AntiCreeperMux mul AddCreeper

#Text for the PopupText
GetTimer1 eq0 if
<-CreeperAmt 0 gt if
"Pumping: " <-CreeperAmt <-PumpMultiplier mul <-CreeperMux mul 10.0 mul Floor 10.0 div Concat "/sec" Concat SetPopupText
"Pumping: " <-CreeperAmt <-PumpMultiplier mul <-AntiCreeperMux mul 10.0 mul Floor 10.0 div Concat "/sec" Concat SetPopupText

#Spin the image - I bashed this until I got approx the spin rate I wanted
<-CreeperAmt <-PumpMultiplier mul ->Rate
<-Rate 10.0 div 2 mul 3.1416 mul ->Rate
<-Rate 120.0 div 4.0 div <-Theta add ->Theta
Self "main" <-Theta SetImageRotation



Love the idea of the pumps and positive feedback loop, sure there would be more that it could be used for.


Quote from: kwinse on February 22, 2014, 03:36:20 AM
Quote from: First on February 22, 2014, 12:42:47 AM
Curious, why not use the exact value (or at least as exact as the platform supports)?

Ah, yep. I didn't see it yet in the ref docs. I was going to us my old standby

2 * asin(1)

but went for the shortcut. Good suggestion!


Finally came back to give this one another go.
Built small defendable area, then Terp'd my way to the finish.
Nice long fight, kept me hopping the whole time.



Very interesting twist with the positive feedback loop. Nice that you took the time to make the numbers show on the pumps. Good work.
Best of luck with your game,

TheSmileyCoders YouTube channel feat. tutorials on using Treeviews in Access
I might have promised fool proof, but I never promised user proof.


Nice idea, though it didn't do much to change the actual tactics required - there was no pressure to prevent the feedback loop from happening, you could simply advance normally. I didn't even miss having Berthas.

Something seems off about the feedback implementation: the creeper level alternate between positive and negative values, with the inhibitor present and after it is destroyed.
I.e. *something* is still generating creeper there even if no emitters are left on the map, and something is generating anticreeper even before one starts feeding AC into a turbine.


Quote from: toolforger on May 01, 2017, 08:01:34 AM
Something seems off about the feedback implementation: the creeper level alternate between positive and negative values, with the inhibitor present and after it is destroyed.
I.e. *something* is still generating creeper there even if no emitters are left on the map, and something is generating anticreeper even before one starts feeding AC into a turbine.

I think you mean that creeper flips to AC and vice versa in creeper/AC height 2000? 


Didn't realize that I played this almost 8 years ago - and ended up with a worse time.
Will give another go tomorrow (or in another 8 years).
Thanks for the fun.