Custom Map #219: Glider Factory. By: Grayzzur

Started by AutoPost, February 12, 2014, 06:33:28 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #219: Glider Factory

Author: Grayzzur
Size: 192x126

An enemy factory has been detected on a remote world. Can you brave the Hover Gliders and destroy it? #CRPL #NoDigitalis


Fun map, interesting approach to the gliders, and those cranes must have been difficult to make...

The start is a challenge without being restart-worthy and it remains a interesting till the end. Cracking open the shield was tense, but when I saw the emitter had changed to 90 it was kinda disappointing (especially considering the number of berthas I built not knowing how much the emitter would weaken).
Pretty sure I'm supposed to be banned, someone might want to get on that.

Quote from: GoodMorning on December 01, 2016, 05:58:30 PM"Build a ladder to the moon" is simple as a sentence, but actually doing it is not.


I had lots of firepower lined up to hit the factory corner when the shield went down - and pretty much knocked the whole corner flat with one salvo.  ;D

The cranes were neat, and I like the gliders - except it seems odd to have snipers not target them...
Power. Power! I must have more POWER!


Great example of what someone can do with CW3. Fun to play and looking for more.


Great map. Really enjoyed it.

Got myself into a little scare towards the end when I suddenly saw an OVERLOAD message in the top right, then realising I accidentally nullified the second generator. Was fun though as it gave me quite a jump and got the adrenaline  going a bit. Things ended up getting a little messy but thankfully I had a few Triple Berthas to hit the creeper hard.

Thanks for the great map.
Hope to see some more


I did the same thing and took out the second generator and went 'whoops'.  I was thinking I had to take out the two cranes on the left.... but that was my bad and the mistake on my part made for more entertainment :)

I only had one bertha, but plenty of mortars and such.  I pulled everything to the front line and managed to hold it back, but it was a close call.  Fun stuff.


I did that myself on accident while play testing the map. Popped the second generator with my Berthas only half-built.
"Fate. It protects fools, little children, and ships named 'Enterprise.'" -William T. Riker


sorry for the size of this beast.
Don't make a slog just because. Be like Master Mapmaker SPIFFEN:
Quote from: themaskedcrusader on October 05, 2010, 05:09:33 PM
(...)Difficulty is subjective. (...)
SPIFFEN chooses to rate each map as trivial because they believe that the difficulty of the map depends on the capability of the player.
Quote from: DumbCreeperGamer"Ugh, me no finish map, map too hard, ME RATE ONE.
oOga OoGa to you too.



Quote from: burguertime on February 15, 2014, 12:24:39 AM
sorry for the size of this beast.

Nah I think it was good without the snipers. It was part of the challenge which made you do something different.
Unlike not having totems in a map, all that usually does is just slow everything down significantly. That's the annoying one.

And anyway, you could still get round the gliders by building a bunch of collectors near their paths.


Quote from: Jamz on February 15, 2014, 04:13:31 AM
Unlike not having totems in a map, all that usually does is just slow everything down significantly. That's the annoying one.

And anyway, you could still get round the gliders by building a bunch of collectors near their paths.
While having no totems will slow things down, it also means you can't just turtle up safely and then click through the upgrades turning your barely surviving defenders into an unstoppable force of nature just by waiting. You have to be more careful about energy consumption and unit movement. You might as well start your slow expansion immediately, cherising each map piece you get to increase power.

Eventually there will still be a point when all you do is set up a line of relays for the last push, but it will not be your first move after setting up the initial defence and researching all the upgrades.