Custom Map #194: Pass The Map 1. By: Community

Started by AutoPost, February 04, 2014, 08:40:27 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #194: Pass The Map 1

Author: Community
Size: 120x120

A map made together by several knucklekracker forum members. Clean0nion, JonneeG, Lost in Nowhere, pawel345, Flabort, Grayzzur, MadMag and Michionlion. Hope you enjoy. The pass the map game can be found on the forums in custom map discussion, if you want to make a part of the next map you are welcome :D #PassTheMap #Digitalis #Spores #CRPL #Runners #Void


Great fun to play - giant variety of options - but some more info/background would be helpful. There is so much in the way of customized visuals - which is great to see - but I still don't know what was going on down at the initial landing pad.

What was up with the floating Ore field and the floating fuzz ball?

Nice work to all who contributed.


Quote from: Helper on February 04, 2014, 04:31:21 PM
Great fun to play - giant variety of options - but some more info/background would be helpful. There is so much in the way of customized visuals - which is great to see - but I still don't know what was going on down at the initial landing pad.

What was up with the floating Ore field and the floating fuzz ball?

Nice work to all who contributed.

Agreed, more description of what some of the custom elements did would have been nice. Overall, it was a decent map, though.
Shawn Asmussen


i agree, i gave up after a bit as it was a bit messy, and the moving ore spot was just annoying without any info.
note to group mappers, text pickups add clarity ::)
but a great effort that i will do one day i have more free brain power :D
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.... Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.... Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?.... Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" --- Epicurus


Sometimes figuring it out is half the fun. There's so much here though, that it's hard to keep track of it all. I was aware of my piece and a few of the others going in, and I still don't know what some of that stuff did. When in doubt, try to nullify or snipe things on this map.

I'd suggest each co-author explain their bits in spoiler tags for those that are interested. I will certainly do a better job next time of making sure there's an in-map tip for my pieces.

Mine was the Yin-Yang platform, upper right. If you just want a light hint: That odd looking device in the bottom half does NOT like it when you land in the AC side of the circle. It doesn't care if you land in the top half.

Here's what it does:

The regular and AC emitters, left alone, are evenly matched. That other odd device is a CRPL Core that does not like you landing in the anti-creeper half of the circle. If you do, output on the normal emitter goes way, way up. When you leave, it will equalize the pool a bit to return closer to a balance. It does not care if you land on the creeper side. It is possible to take out the emitter without killing the AC emitter.

Strategy Tip:

A sprayer is very handy here. It can land in the creeper side and draw unlimited ammo from the AC side with Enable AC Collection Field.
"Fate. It protects fools, little children, and ships named 'Enterprise.'" -William T. Riker


I made two squares. On a scale of 0 - 15, with 0 being top left and 4 being the one beneath it, with numbers ascending like the lines of a block of text, I made numbers 1 and 10.

1 - the blue blob on a hill
You'll notice a ton of invincible slipemitters around it. Destroy the blob and they all die. Simple enough.
The slipemitters don't take up map space.
10 - the ore patch by a rock
It acts as a normal ore patch, but when you build an ore mine there, it will give you the option to upgrade it into an ore refinery. This consumes a considerable amount of energy and produces a very high deficit. When it is built, it will no longer provide ore but instead just dump AC directly onto the map. Click and hold to charge it up, which costs more energy. When charged, you can see the spinny thing spinning faster, and it will dump a lot more AC.


I know most of the CRPL used here so I will explain it in spoilers, but the ideas was to not know what awaits you and to be pleasantly or unpleasantly surprised.

| 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 |
| 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 |
| 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 |         <-The map areas.
| 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |

Nullyfy the structure on top of the hill to get rid of the small slip emitters in the digitalis "sea"
Grayzzur's Yin-Yang see his post
A cannon that will target closest unit and shoot creeper and an ore maker that will consume packets(at a rapid rate) for ore(quite some of it).
The ore patch has C0 ore mine script, see his post above for details
The "Rift" in the middle will consume packets to make aether. 10 packets for 5 aether. The random parts lying around can be sniped for some AC.
Nullify the ore moving ore mine for it to become a normal ore patch. The orb does nothing. It's a safe (recommended) starting spot.


The beginning was a fun challenge but by the end there were so many power zones that there was no real threat.
Pretty sure I'm supposed to be banned, someone might want to get on that.

Quote from: GoodMorning on December 01, 2016, 05:58:30 PM"Build a ladder to the moon" is simple as a sentence, but actually doing it is not.


You don't want it to drag out. You want to gain momentum so it stays fun. :)
"Fate. It protects fools, little children, and ships named 'Enterprise.'" -William T. Riker


Thought the floating Ore Deposit was really stupid. Why would an ore deposit float? o.O
Other than that, it was a pretty alright map. Those "weapon parts" in the map really threw me off. Initially I had no idea what they were until I finished the level and saw one of the above posts. Spent a lot of time trying to figure out a use for them. The yin-yang thing on the top right was pretty clever. A bit annoying that there was only one terp to work with. It just made things take longer. But still, nicely done.


I played this but still haven't won it; what is the victory condition?? All enemy thingamajobbers are dead, and there's no creeper left in any crannies anywhere.

Overall, it was pretty fun, but a bit too easy (though I feel a bit silly calling a map that I can't win "too easy" lol :) ). The custom stuff either didn't work or I didn't understand what it was supposed to be doing, but that didn't really detract from the fun of the map.

The screenshot blow shows some custom map features:


A: Some kind of anticreeper factory. It produces AC. It has the text label "Click and hold to charge". If you do, a red bar increases to a certain maximum and then stops. When you let go, the red bar decreases, but nothing else seems to happen.

B: Eats packets. Might produce ether? There's a jillion totems on this map anyway, so it's tough to tell. I had all techs maxed and 17k ether banked when I gave up trying to figure out the victory condition of the map.

C: Funky Emitter. It starts off producing anticreeper, then changes teams and produces creeper for no apparent reason. If you nullify it, it leaves a grey blorp as seen in the screenshot.

D: Spinny Dot (no apparent function) and Floaty Ore Patch (no apparent function, but blocks building when it's floating by).

E: Some kind of gun, if I remember right. I don't really remember it doing much.


Silly as it may sound, that floating ore deposit in the bottom left can actually be nullified so that it becomes a stationary ore deposit which you can then build an ore mine on.
And that's probably what you were missing.


Take the message artifact to win (by to two ore deposits in the middle of the map)
...blow up the floating ore to get ore deposit


As the Madman said:


This map is kind of annoying, for one main reason:

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