Alpha Sector map by J "Creeper Wall" unfinishable

Started by Jerdog, December 08, 2013, 10:19:34 PM

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A very interesting mechanic. 
Unfortunately, nullifying the emitter didn't win the game.
It didn't stop the ghost emitter either.
I tried a lot if things:  raising/lowering all terrain, making a thor, using berthas etc..

Upgrading to the latest release 1.13 and replaying it I still can't win.

So what else is there?


It took me a while to figure it out myself too, but you can also nullify the "ghost emitter". Probably it's just an invisible CPRL-tower which exactly behaves like an emitter (and which probably also moves the wall). Is the fact that you have to nullify something invisible intended? It's pretty lame, IMO.


Due a fix in late-development all cores without a set image were invisible instead of having the standard crpl-core image. I fixed it for 4 maps, however I thought it was pretty clear that there was a ghost emitter there you could nullify on creeper-wall. That's why I didn't wipe out all scores for creeperwall.


Ok, it makes sense that you don't want to clear all scores for this.

For me it was not clear that there was a unit at that spot though. There could be a CRPL tower anywhere creating creeper at that spot (or transporting creeper to it from another part of the map)


Thanks.  I don't know why I didn't think to try that. 


I try to check my nullifier near anything that makes creeper or does anything unusual.
So there was an invisible emitter, probably wall controller that after some attempts at getting in range, I nullified it and won.