
Started by Clean0nion, November 02, 2013, 03:28:45 PM

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I just loaded the save you posted into the editor, added a new script (see above) to a new core and it kills every enemy on the map and produces an instant win. Which of your scripts is supposed to have the call to DestroyAllEnemyUnits?


Quote from: eduran on December 08, 2013, 12:38:12 PM

I just loaded the save you posted into the editor, added a new script (see above) to a new core and it kills every enemy on the map and produces an instant win. Which of your scripts is supposed to have the call to DestroyAllEnemyUnits?
net_start.crpl, at the bottom in the :Destroyed function.
In the new save it's not there.


Very strange. It seems to work on my machine (using v1.13). I made a modded version of your map that starts you with a nullifier right next to the enemy CN and it's letting me win the map.


Quote from: eduran on December 08, 2013, 12:56:11 PM
Very strange. It seems to work on my machine (using v1.13). I made a modded version of your map that starts you with a nullifier right next to the enemy CN and it's letting me win the map.
I think I may have found my error.
I'm on 1.04.
UPDATE: Checked update logs, doesn't seem to affect this command.


Help, i cant finish Domorthea last island,the digitals are too much,any tips?

nice map btw


Quote from: Someone on December 10, 2013, 06:44:39 AM
Help! I can't finish Domorthea last island as the amount of digitalis surpasses my ability; does anyone have any tips?

Nice map by the way
Assuming that you're trying to breach the digitalis to access the asteroids:
So you're on the left side of the fourth island. There are three asteroids nearby that you can build on, but one of them has to be Terped.
Place a Mortar on the nearest PZ then add at least one Sprayer to the rightmost edge. Build a few Pulse Cannons and set their targeting to Digitalis. Send them over to the asteroids and when a space is cleared on the nearest one, remove the PC that is there and replace it with a Relay. If the Relay is destroyed while building, just build it again and again.
Once your defence is solid and your remaining pulse cannon is pretty much fully charged but still fighting the digitalis, build a Terp (or move your existing one closer). Pause. Destroy the relay, move your Terp to where it was, and set the Terpable asteroid to be Terped. Let the Terp do its thing, then it will probably be destroyed. But that's okay, because now you have another asteroid to build on. Build more blasters, mortars, sprayes, and then build a nullifier if and when you can, then proceed.

Assuming you've traversed the asteroids and are now at the square island:
You've destroyed the regional scanner, so you can now freely build the rest of your reactors. Amass a ton of energy and build mortars, as many as you can. Send them all over to the island - don't bother with giving them fresh ammo, just build more and then send those over too. Don't wait for the previous lot to die before sending the next batch.
If you haven't already destroyed your Beams, do that now for more space.
Eventually you'll cleave a gap where you can build and hold a defence. Destroy the first few emitters (this could take some time) and eventually, if you can and are confident in your capability to do so, land your CN there. Continue building up your defence until you can unleash an attack.




8. The Fog
More information
An odd fog covers the terrain. Somewhere on this planet is an inhibitor. Destroy it and get out.
No special CRPL other than a fog that follows your Command Node around the map. So you can see everything - except the majority of your network.
This map should be quite easy. Emitters are quite weak compared to the size of the map and also quite sparsely positioned.
Inspired by Mopa42's Sheep Mountain and V's FoUD.
Dude, this fog is really getting to me. Can I turn it off?
Yep! There's a cheat code.
What is it?
I ain't gonna tell you!
Tell me.
What? Work it out yourself.
Sudo tell me.
Press A, B, Up, Down, and Backspace all at the same time. But that's cheating and makes you a cheat.
That messes everything up, how do I turn it back on?
Press B at least 2 seconds after turning the fog off.
I can't move my Command Node into the fog! Whyyy?
Yes you can! Just make sure you move it to a patch of flat terrain. Which you can't see, of course, so either build a Terp or just click everywhere.
and a fogless screenshot for all you lazy cheating cheats.
Download link at the bottom of this post.


9. Swimmin' Poool
More information
You arrive at a swimming pool. What do you do next?
CLUE: swim

Download link at the bottom of this post.

Seriously guys? This has been downloaded more than The Fog? Okay, I guess...


Am I right, that swimming pool have moving emitters and that's all? Or did I missed something? I seen how it is connected to my base for a moment, but nothing happened and I seen this only once.


Quote from: Altren on December 16, 2013, 01:05:56 PM
Am I right, that swimming pool have moving emitters and that's all? Or did I missed something? I seen how it is connected to my base for a moment, but nothing happened and I seen this only once.
Yes, they are moving emitters. But they're also swimmers! They need their food and they can only get that from your network. So they'll connect and take some.
They'll stop when they have enough food. Which is ten thousand ammo packets.


I actually tried to connect them all. I figured it'd be a fun alternative victory condition. It wasn't.


Quote from: TLMike on December 16, 2013, 05:20:44 PM
I actually tried to connect them all. I figured it'd be a fun alternative victory condition. It wasn't.

Did you try charging them all to the maximum extent?
It does nothing.


Maybe you should specify that they can connect to your network, I didn't even notice in my playthrough, I won the map by building some mortars to keep back the creeper, build a nullifier on the edge of the pool when a swimmer was near enough and after it was built and charged wait until another swimmer came in the nullifier's range...
If a topic started by me is in the wrong place feel free to move it at anytime.