Help! Farbor shield locked but i have all the keys!

Started by DarkSora, October 27, 2013, 08:49:18 AM

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Even though i have beat all 3 worlds with the keys, i still can't access Farbor, it says i'm missing Otrav key, but i've won that level already! do i have to play it all over again?
you can see in the screen capture that Otrav is green, but the message is clear. what do i do?


Try playing Otrav again from the beginning (Restart). I believe this is due to some weird bug that has something to do with saving. Virgil is working on an update with a fix, but playing through the level again and making sure you pick up the shield key and destroy all the enemy units should fix it for now.
A goodnight to all and to all a good night - Goodnight Moon


Problem was solved by winning the level again, not a game-breaking bug, but it was kinda annoying, like my english :P