getting started with CPRL

Started by MizInIA, October 12, 2013, 02:15:00 AM

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i am trying to get started with CPRL but i think i am missing something. i have a blank map and switched to the unit tab. I then selected the CPRL Core and pressed b to place one on the map. I double click the new unit to get properties. here is where i am lost. how/where to I type the CRPL code? i have gone back and watched the CPRL video V made and he has a window there that he just starts typing in. all I see is a list of property settings such as image scale, image offset, color etc. All the tutorials start like you know how to get to where you need to type the code so I am lost.

Edit: should also mention that I am on a Mac.


In the units tab, there's a big scripts button. Try to click it.