Entire Creeper World Trilogy - Streaming this weekend!

Started by NeonTiger, October 11, 2013, 12:48:30 AM

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Hey everyone!

I've been in love with Creeper World ever since I played the training missions on Kongregate *many* years ago, and I'm very excited about the release of CW3!  I haven't played much of it for the sake of going into this stream with a sense of mystery, but I'm very impressed by what I have seen so far.

I started a series on Youtube for Creeper World that picked up a decent amount of traction, but due to technical issues between FRAPS and the first game I could never really finish that, but it's always felt strange just jumping straight into two.

This weekend I'm going to be playing the entire trilogy marathon-style on stream for your viewing pleasure.  The episodes will be cut into nice, neat portions to later be uploaded to Youtube, but I really like the idea of playing the game live and in person.

If you'd like to join me, I would love to have you at
this weekend!  The schedule will be below.

  • Friday, Oct 18 - 2PM EST until completion will be Creeper World 3!
  • Saturday, Oct 19 - 2PM EST until completion will be bonus missions, a few Chronom missions, and custom maps from CW1!
  • Sunday, Oct 20 - 2PM EST until completion will be bonus missions, code missions, and custom maps from CW2!

  • Friday, Oct 25 - 2PM EST until completion will be the Prospector Zone from CW3!
  • Saturday, Oct 26 - 2PM EST until completion will be the Tormented Space from CW3!
  • Sunday, Oct 27 - 2PM EST until completion will hopefully be audience-recommended custom maps for CW3 and/or some map development of our own!

If you'd like to check out the intro, it's live at right now, sort of a homage to how I started the first series two years ago.

I can't wait to play through the series again and interact with the community.  I hope to see you guys there!


Sounds cool...  I'm crazy busy this weekend, but hope to be able to drop in for a few.
Btw, I made your twitch link bold and a little bigger so it would easier to find by those coming by.


Much appreciated!

I'm going live for the day right now, everyone is more than welcome to drop by :D


I truly hate to do this, but I'm unfortunately not going to be able to do CW3 this weekend.  I'm between jobs right now and am making my money doing any odd jobs I can get my hands on.  I just got a call this morning for a major carpet installation job for a local apartment, and it's likely going to tie up my schedule until Tuesday, and a major Dota 2 project is going to be in the way for the rest of the week (not that it matters, I much prefer streaming on weekends!)

CW3 is going to have to be postponed until next weekend, but...

After CW3 is done (presumably on Friday), Saturday and Sunday I'll be doing the special missions for CW1 and CW2, as well as the top 3 audience recommended custom maps for each game.  The weekend after that I'll be tackling the Prospector Zone and Tormented Space, and hopefully doing some CW3 custom maps, I know plenty of people in chat are hard at work learning CRPL and building some great worlds.

Again, I apologize for the sudden postponing.  I'll be spending the week getting the current videos up on Youtube, so if you missed parts of the stream or if there's a specific level you really enjoyed, you'll all be welcome to check that out!  As always, my Youtube channel will be ad-free and Twitch will have as few ads as it will allow.


Next weekend's schedule is as follows

  • Friday, Oct 18 - 2PM EST until completion will be Creeper World 3!
  • Saturday, Oct 19 - 2PM EST until completion will be bonus missions, a few Chronom missions, and custom maps from CW1!
  • Sunday, Oct 20 - 2PM EST until completion will be bonus missions, code missions, and custom maps from CW2!

  • Friday, Oct 25 - 2PM EST until completion will be the Prospector Zone from CW3!
  • Saturday, Oct 26 - 2PM EST until completion will be the Tormented Space from CW3!
  • Sunday, Oct 27 - 2PM EST until completion will hopefully be audience-recommended custom maps for CW3 and/or some map development of our own!

As always, http://www.youtube.com/DravenNGRP will have nice, neat playlists and a formatted, edited version of each stream!

If you really want to check them out and can't wait until they're uploaded, My Past Broadcasts will always have the raw stream archived for your viewing pleasure.


I really want to thank the Creeper World community for being incredibly friendly and awesome these last few days.  Creeper World has always been among my favorite games, and I'm humbled by the community response my stream has gotten so far.  Even after all the main missions have been beaten, I'll definitely be streaming custom missions with you guys for a very long time!

I'd also like to give an extra special thank you to Virgil for not slamming me with a copyright hammer!  (Just kidding <3)

Seriously though, you've made an incredible series that will have a special place in my heart and my harddrive for the rest of my life, and I know I'm not alone.  It feels sometimes like the great games of the past are constantly tarnishing their titles with every lackluster sequel they put out.  Creeper World has never even hinted at leaving this taste in my mouth.  Considering the vast mechanical changes between the first and second game, this is insanely impressive.  Between the great storytelling and character development to the gameplay that feels so intuitive and viscerally good, it's the game I keep coming back to.  I can't even count how many times I've melted away a stressful day by putting on some music and blasting away code missions on CW2.  Between watching the development videos, reading what you say on the forums, and mostly just playing the game, I can tell a lot of dedication and care goes into making these games into your vision, and you won't settle for anything less than excellence.

You're the man, V.  Thank you for taking such pride in your work, the quality of your games truly does shine through.


When are you going to complete the alpha sector?

For the CW2 custom maps, I highly recommend my challenges: ring of death. See if you can finish =P (don't look at it now so you can win easily when streaming :P)


This looks cool, I will see if I can drop in in between work this weekend. As for requests, I am tempted to request my own maps but that would be vain. There are just so many great maps that it is hard to make a request. You can't go wrong with anything from J or Lich98 for CW2 custom maps through.
Vote Tony!


Quote from: TonyP2000 on October 14, 2013, 11:49:08 PM
As for requests, I am tempted to request my own maps but that would be vain.

I would love to play one of your maps!

I'd be happy to go through whichever map you're most proud of, you deserve it for putting in the time and effort to make them :D


Everything is too long a list to work with.
No one knows everything about anything.
No one knows something about everything.
Everyone knows something about something.
Anyone could be the world's foremost expert on something.
Anyone who thinks that just because they didn't already know a thing, it must not be true or important, is an idiot.