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Started by Clean0nion, October 09, 2013, 06:04:23 PM

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First stage I suppose,  it seems to make it very clear in the opening text that once the ship is built, its game over.  If I was coming to the level for the first time, I wouldnt know that there is actually another stage after the ship is built with an additional 20 min till game over
This is Life,  Life happens.


I did it in the first stage, the second stage is even harder to get to I think. The extra 20 mins wouldn't really help much. The last level is pretty crazy too, nice game. Looking forward to trying out some of the other zones and making some maps now.


Quote from: PsudoSage on October 14, 2013, 02:21:41 PM
I did it in the first stage, the second stage is even harder to get to I think. The extra 20 mins wouldn't really help much.
The first time I played the mission I failed the first stage just by a few seconds and I got it in the second stage within 8 minutes. Second stage is a lot easier to win.


Quote from: TrickyDragon on October 14, 2013, 02:09:19 PM
First stage I suppose,  it seems to make it very clear in the opening text that once the ship is built, its game over.  If I was coming to the level for the first time, I wouldnt know that there is actually another stage after the ship is built with an additional 20 min till game over

Yeah, I think it'd be really easy for somebody to get stuck on this if they knew they weren't going to make the first deadline, and they keep restarting the map before the 100% mark assuming that they'd gotten themselves into an unwinnable position. Could be very frustrating for some players.
Shawn Asmussen


Well, hopefully they'd

a) see the scores and realize longer completion times were possible ot
b) they 'd come here or go to YouTube or anywhere else and find out that there is a second stage.
A goodnight to all and to all a good night - Goodnight Moon


Only two things are limitless G..... But I suppose if they care, they will land here eventually.
This is Life,  Life happens.


... The Universe and Human Stupidity.
Everything is too long a list to work with.
No one knows everything about anything.
No one knows something about everything.
Everyone knows something about something.
Anyone could be the world's foremost expert on something.
Anyone who thinks that just because they didn't already know a thing, it must not be true or important, is an idiot.


I am actually posting a walkthrough of this map later tonight. 14 minutes game time turned 35+ mins in real life. I beat it just before I ran out of time on the first phrase.
Vote Tony!


Quote from: TrickyDragon on October 15, 2013, 12:46:56 PM
Only two things are limitless G..... But I suppose if they care, they will land here eventually.

Dragons........  Yea, Dragons.


I got there in Phase 1 by the skin of my teeth on my second try.  No shenanigans, I just built up from the top left and bottom right islands and then island-hopped from the top left to the shipyard via the small creeper-less islands at the top.  Built a lot of snipers, which bought me a few extra minutes and meant I could mine a lot more ore, which was very helpful in my assault on the centre.  (Not sure if this is the right approach - if you're quick, I suppose you could do it without snipers.)  The things that took me the most time were clearing out those starting islands (the emitters aren't strong, but you're really cramped) and establishing a beachhead on the main island (shield/relay drop supported by a sprayer - I should probably have used my berthas a bit better to open up a window).


Quote from: Incompetent on November 03, 2013, 01:37:05 AM
I got there in Phase 1 by the skin of my teeth on my second try.  No shenanigans, I just built up from the top left and bottom right islands and then island-hopped from the top left to the shipyard via the small creeper-less islands at the top.  Built a lot of snipers, which bought me a few extra minutes and meant I could mine a lot more ore, which was very helpful in my assault on the centre.  (Not sure if this is the right approach - if you're quick, I suppose you could do it without snipers.)  The things that took me the most time were clearing out those starting islands (the emitters aren't strong, but you're really cramped) and establishing a beachhead on the main island (shield/relay drop supported by a sprayer - I should probably have used my berthas a bit better to open up a window).
For someone who's apparently so incompetent, that's pretty impressive.


First post on here, just because I feel vaguely pleased that I was able to figure out this level without my usual method of winning, which is best described as "look for someone who already figured it out".  I'm also kinda surprised that there have been so many different ways of going about it.

I solved it at about 93% on phase 1 (because I honestly didn't know there was a phase 2, I figured it was just Game Over at 100%).  After two attempts that were going nowhere, I realigned strategies, and went for a two-step approach:  secure the NW and SE islands first, then make a hyper-aggressive beachhead on the west corner of the main island where air support could happen.  The key to all of it was energy management.  Everything had to be on a tight, tight budget, so clearing the first emitters was done with a single mortar and sprayer each.  Every other scrap of energy went to reactors, and the beam cannons when they became necessary.

Securing the west beachhead took quite a bit, and didn't go quite as smoothly as I would have liked.  First came strafers and bombers to thin things out.  Then came a crowd of five cannons and shields to cover them a bit, along with guppies to support.  I lost one shield and a full guppy in the process, which came close but not quite to wiping out that idea.  But with cannons clearing out a spot, that left room for mortars, a slow collector/relay grid, and a nullifier on the SW emitter, and once a shield was on that power spot, the rest was all about getting emitters in place ASAP to stop the ore supply.  Total game time: 14 minutes.  Not the best, but I feel pleased about having pulled it off without help.


Nice work and welcome. :)
A goodnight to all and to all a good night - Goodnight Moon


a really really fun map, and the only one in story mode that really has a time limit to it (Arca gets really hard when it goes for a long time, but you can still play it forever without either being in a won position, or losing entirely.)

I think the whole time limit thing makes this a rough map for a lot of people, and many creeper world players aren't playing for the best times normally, so this one can really throw people off!

My first time, I failed the ship by less than a minute, then I failed the totem too (at first I thought they said I had 20 seconds, not 20 minutes!  I thought I'd die the moment the ship reached the surprised there!)

I like how this game kinda punishes players who give up too early rather than seeing a lose screen...stay with it long enough, and you learn you have a whole nother 20 minutes while the ship transmits at the totem!

Anyway, my second time I just smashed the ship at about 97%, very satisfying!  Someday I want to smash Arca before the nexus gets up...I've seen it on youtube, looks awesome!


I managed to beat the level after like 10 times of trying!
The worst thing happened to me  :'(
In the middle of my game I just had a program finished being updated and it said it will restart in 15 mins.I completely ignored it continued playing.After 14 mins...I destroyed all the ore processors I screamed"WOO HOO!"But right at that moment my computer restarted and when I went back into the game to check if it saved....It wasn't  :'(.I slapped my self in rage and I just knew 100% I couldn't beat it again...
Can someone upload the level completed or something?I really don't have the energy to do it again.. :-\

"Reach for the stars!,And if you don't grab them at least your top of the world!"