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Started by Clean0nion, October 09, 2013, 06:04:23 PM

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Does anyone actually know how to beat this? I think all the players who say they have beaten the game are lying.

So I have a Node on each of the big islands in the corners. They're both clear of creeper. What now? I can't get to the advanced totem because of all the creeper there... when I dump cannons there they die before I can Guppy them and I don't have enough space to build more than a few. I can't expand otherwise the thing will launch. Grahhh.

(This is one of my Noob posts, from when I was more Noob than I am now. Don't judge me by this post.)


lol seriously dude,a hard map doesnt mean it is unbeatable,
just take control of the 2 first island,build some bretha to clear the island of the main target path,then build relay to go there


I suggest get a line of shields and dump a nullifier at the end.

And just by lying it is not possible to post a completion score in the score table. So perhaps they are liars and hackers?
A goodnight to all and to all a good night - Goodnight Moon


once you have the islands clear you could put a ton of blasters like 10 in that area where there is no AE tower then send a lot of guppies there don't forget to make a few mortars and send them there to then when you have that little area clear connect it with a relay from the upper island also don't be afraid to lose some unites and be very aggressive BTW did you play till game time 18:00 if you would be suprized  
"Humanity is probably the only animal capable of hating itself."-The end of Evangelion


You can:
1. PZ relay from one of the first islands
2. Relay across from one of the tiny islands
3. Use a few guppies to supply the spot not covered by the exclusion zone
4. Clear out the runner-infested islands for more room and faster upgrades
5. Save up for the singularity weapon and bombard it with mortars on the main island
6. Build a few bertha's to help establish a front on the main island


Quote from: Clean0nion on October 09, 2013, 06:55:58 PM

I'm going to have to delete that post.

I suspect it may live on to haunt you. ;)
A goodnight to all and to all a good night - Goodnight Moon


I did it like this:
Place one command node on the north east island. Once you have taken out the emitter (anti creeper + canons work nicely), place a sniper tower in the power field. It will take out the creeper ships and slow down the time it takes the creeper to gather the ore. A few sniper towers on the small ore island to the right will help as well, even though they are far less effective. Build a forge on this island asap, so you can gather as many upgrades as you can. After that, this island is pretty much done. If you increase its energy output far enough, you can build guppies to aid the other island, since it has to power the attack.

Simultaneously, land a command node on the south east island and pretty much do the same as above, clear the emitter, place a sniper tower. Don't forget to look out for the spores and build towers appropriately.

When your south east island is secure and has a good energy output, put two mortars on the left edge and fly a bunch of canons over to get a foothold. Take out the emitter and clear the island of any creeper and digitalis, until only a few canons targeting the digitalis are enough to keep it at bay. After that, you can pretty much ignore the entire creeper to the left. This was the point where the creeper had gathered enough ore in my game. Around 14:30, I think. You still have 20 minutes after that, so there's plenty of time.

Next up, the main assault. You should have your southeast island build up to produce loads of energy by now, aided by a few energy upgrades. Fly an armada of canons over to the main creeper island and take out the first emitter. Proceed towards the right spore tower and take it out, while assaulting the emitter to the north. A bertha canon can help you reduce the amount of creeper significantly on both emitters.

Once that is done, you have 2 emitters and the totem left. Go straight for the totem and leave a few canons to protect your relay stations. You can take out the second spore tower at some point, too, since it will be no longer flooded with creeper. Or you just place an anti spore tower near it and call it a day.

I finished at around 80-90% on the totem, I think. Not very good, I suppose, but at least I beat it.

Oh, and don't bother with building Terps, they just cost time. Just place some collectors in the beginning and put reactors in the spaces between. Don't tear anything down unless it is absolutely necessary, you have plenty of space to build reactors, they don't have to be packed as close as you can.


If it helps you, I found video on how to do Farbor. :)
Life can't exist without death, just like good can't exist without evil.


Quote from: Clean0nion on October 09, 2013, 06:04:23 PM
Does anyone actually know how to beat this? I think all the players who say they have beaten the game are lying.

Just because you haven't figured it out, doesn't mean we share the same fate. Check the times.. It's not been done just once, but multiple times..


Quote from: Grauniad on October 09, 2013, 06:32:48 PM
I suggest get a line of shields and dump a nullifier at the end.

And just by lying it is not possible to post a completion score in the score table. So perhaps they are liars and hackers?

Haha, beautiful response.


It's a beast of a map, to be sure. It's definitely beatable, there's just not nearly as much margin for error as in other maps. Don't underestimate the power of anti-creeper, slap down some mines on the ore patches that aren't being harvested early on and let loose a few sprayers when you invade the main island. That'll help you get close to the factory a lot faster and hit it with nullifiers.

I do think the time limit should be extended by just a little bit in the next update, though. I got the #17 best time when I beat it and the factory was still at like 85%.


It's actually fairly easy... you just have to hurry in the beginning.
If you want to make it a bit easier on yourself, you can drop all 3 command nodes on the center island and nullify 1 pair of building nodes and the spore tower on the bottom right corner, then fly the command nodes back to their obvious locations. This DOES require good timing, however, but it's not that hard with framestepping. just build a collector then a nullifier -with a Plasma Cannon to ensure the creeper stays back- to take out the spore tower and the nodes at the same time. That'll give you an extra 2:30 alone... And once you nullify the upper left emitter, you can put a sniper on the PZ, and with a few upgrades, it'll take out the upper right 3 building ships. Assuming it takes you 5 minutes to get to that point [easily doable] you'll end up with another extra 8:50 in phase 1. Total, you'll have 21:10 before phase 1 ends. That's plenty enough to build an army to assault during phase 2.
Everything is too long a list to work with.
No one knows everything about anything.
No one knows something about everything.
Everyone knows something about something.
Anyone could be the world's foremost expert on something.
Anyone who thinks that just because they didn't already know a thing, it must not be true or important, is an idiot.


It's probably easier to do in phase 1. I did it with probably less than 1 second to spare!

I managed to take out two of the collector nodes before the ship got to 90 and the third at 95, but the last one was harder to get to. I somehow managed to beat the clock and destroyed the last node at 99% at the same moment the last transport ship was descending for a landing to push it to 100! I don't think it's possible to cut it closer than I did. :)

I failed on my first attempt pretty bad and phase 2 seemed less likely to succeed so I started over. Does anything outside that map change at all if you beat it in phase 2?


Quote from: Neko187 on October 10, 2013, 12:13:49 PM
you can drop all 3 command nodes on the center island and nullify 1 pair of building nodes and the spore tower on the bottom right corner

That's not possible.