Hi, little question

Started by speedkore, September 17, 2013, 05:13:12 PM

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Hi it s the french guy :)  i just seen the last news, i write "good" english, and i understand "good" too, but this time, i can't translate by myself or with google translate, so, please....

the game release? if no, what it need for release? thanks :)


From the blog...

the development of CW3 is nearly complete.  ... [blog post informs] what is left to do and what will be in the launch. [Virgil]  added over 100 ... custom maps created by alpha/beta members [for game testing].

Once the 'Alpha' maps are reviewed and updated, the game will just require a final few days of last review.  ...  for last minute polish issues, or any outstanding bugs with the game or the missions.

During this time [Virgil] will be producing a promo video, screenshots, an updated web site, integration with [sales site], updated documentation, ... the wiki, creating new forum boards, and preparing launch announcements.  [Virgil will do this as fast as he can.]

Feature list:

[see the blog post]
A goodnight to all and to all a good night - Goodnight Moon


Wow.... my hearth beat over 200 bpm whene i saw "CW3 Final ...." but, we need to wait few week:)

thanks a lot for the explain :)