Can't add artifacts to custom map

Started by Oran781, August 06, 2012, 07:15:16 AM

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I am having trouble adding artifacts to my custom map. I read the tutorial, and it says there should be a tab right above the units tab. But there is no tab for it. I have updated my version and it said I had the current version, and it made no difference. Anyone know if I need to do something to get it to appear? I also enabled the map to have artifacts, I tried setting it to acquisition, and still it made no difference. Thanks


Go to the units tab and click the red crystal. Now you can change the type (crystal, bunker, capsule, nanochips), sub-type (red/blue/green/white crystal), their values (cost, points, energy, ore, technytes) and add them to the mission (I recommend to place (and click) them before changing their values).


Thanks for the help! I feel like an idiot haha, I can't believe I didn't even notice that lol.