Custom map searsch options.

Started by gimmer, April 08, 2012, 07:44:09 AM

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Hi All,

First I've spend LOTS of hours (more like days) playing this game, and especially the custom maps.

Meanwhile I've been wondering, when you select "Find maps online", you get to select approx time to complete, but why not more options, like, played/not played. Dark Been enable/disabled... ect.

I've playes at least 80% of the custom maps, and i have to go through each page to see if i missend any maps on the (currently) 40 pages! furthere more some times i like the dark beam, and i have to download each map to see if this is avable in the map, if not, i'll modify the map my self....

Any way, Thanks for at GREAT game


EDIT: I can see the unplayed maps has been mentioned before in (thread: Games played history?) ... still looking forward to this :-)


This has been suggested hundreds of times, still not in there.
We have become the creeper...


what part? Both of my questions or only the played / not played part?




With Creeper World 3 on the horizon, I doubt Virgil has time for things like this. We'll be lucky enough if he manages to make desktop Evermore, this...


chances are that just about nothing will be happening except CW3

CW1&2 are essentially finalized products
We have become the creeper...


Fair enough! Looking forward for the next version ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Just hope he'll incorporate some of all the suggestions people have been posting...

Have a nice day,

Best Lars


Right here in the custom maps pane, it shows you which maps you have played or not.


I know, but you still have to scroll through every page to see. With the search function there will only be played or not played!

But Thanks :-)


The problem with a search option like that is that it is very hard to code in SQL.  The played/not played data is stored on your machine. So to construct the search argument, you would have to send a list of *all* maps that you have played to the server, which would then have to construct a SQL query that excludes a very long list of specific maps.  I hope you can see why that might be an issue, since an DQL command has a length limit, if I recall correctly.


Thanks for you answer, this makes perfectly sense to me :-)...

Just hope this can be solved in next version then ;-)...

But, this problem cannot be the same regarding the dark beem, then... that's more straight forward, i presume? as all the maps are located on the server?



Not necessarily. The server would still need to search every single custom map ever uploaded. Also, the dark beam is enabled by default when you create a map, many times this goes unnoticed since the experimentals tab is not on by default. Now, this may seem unimportant, but consider that if a server looks for maps in its database that have dark beam tech, it will find maps where it's impossible to build a dark beam. Suppose it finds a map called Example, dark beam tech is enabled, but the experimentals tab is not.


I get the point, but that would be solvet quite easily if, when creating a map, you DON'T enable the experimentals tab, This will be automatic if ANY of the three tech were used in the map?


The game keeps the experimentals on by default if i remember correctly/
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-Yogi Berra


Technically it should be possible to select maps with experimentals (or a specific weapon in the experimentals category).


It still comes back to the fact that a system would still have to be created to check for all this criteria. Virgil does not have time to implement this right at this moment since he is busy working on CW3.
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