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Hey Daos!

Started by Blaze, April 06, 2010, 01:27:26 AM

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When are you coming out with the next Project Void Chapter?

Quote from me on
Quote from: Blaze on April 06, 2010, 01:22:25 AM
Loved them cause you can lose-but not right away.
You have to wait-if you want to. Even while waiting there is stuff to do.
High intensity emitters, good challenge-but fun.

Loved it so much I actually named the groups of blasters Alpha, Bravo and Charlie.  :D   

I mean it, they are fun and challenging! Can't wait for more.  :)


There are many games, that I "want to" play, but the given time is limiting me ^^

Regarding Project Void, I already have the next map in mind (the first event of the map is already done). Now I have to create the next area. (The antimatter will take over the storage area. But I do not want to spoil the story too much ;) ). I just have to figure out how to create that map, so it will not be too easy or too hard ... as if that ever worked out for my maps XD.


Quote from: Daos on April 06, 2010, 11:09:55 AM
I just have to figure out how to create that map, so it will not be too easy or too hard

Think of the last maps, challenging yet fun. I love intelligent use of crazonium walls. Makes me fell like I'm actually fighting inside a building. Also keep the high intensity emitters, I like to use four blasters to cap them.  ;)

P.S On Project Void 2 You forgot to change the creeper color and collector color.   


Yeah... I know about the color... already tried to change it .. :P But I will not forget it on Ch3 (now that you remembered me *cough*).

On a sidenote, I finished betatesting of ch3. Only have to write the story and then I will upload it. After all, I think the difficulty ended up nice. And you have to think a little bit to win this ... or at least there are ways to make mistakes ^^.

Edit: It is uploaded, but I did not send scores with it (because it is not possible to submit scores from betatesting :/ ) So it will not have a high priority in Karstens To-Do list. There are a lot of maps ahead of mine.


Please give me some feedback for Chapter Three. Obviously it was way to easy for sqaz ... on the other hand I expected/intended, that good players may rush through that map, due to the design. And other, slower players may get a little challenging map with some fun. Maybe I just have to wait for more scores, so I can see if everyone rushes through it. At least I got two 5-star ratings. So it could not be a bad map at all ^^


You'll always have people that finish your map faster than intended, especially with emitters that are holded back for a while and already available weapons.

But I still liked it as it took me some times to get my tactic right and I also like the whole concept of fighting inside a building, it really changes everything.