Downloade from Maps Currently Awaiting Review ?

Started by SPIFFEN, March 16, 2010, 04:49:39 AM

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The waiting list might be very long sometimes ,
so if someone is waiting for an map they know are coming ,
it would be nice if we could downloade that map from the list .

I know we can get thos maps by posts in the forum ,
but then we dont get uneeded posts there .

Or we can be patient if this isnt an wanted feature to the list of custom maps .
PLZ THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU CALL YOUR TOPIC ! It will make the search work better =)
My maps :
How to make links


If you have the patience for a few hours, you can not only play the map, but also post the score, rate the map and add comments. I can imagine the author would appreciate that (so that's what I almost always do). Karsten is doing a great job approving the maps and this has a reason: maps with obscene, intimidating or offensive material shouldn't be played or distributed.

Don't tell me you've played all existing thousand maps before?!!
My CW1 maps: downloads - overview
My CW2 maps: downloads - overview


Quote from: UpperKEES on March 16, 2010, 06:52:39 AM
Don't tell me you've played all existing thousand maps before?!!

Ofcourse not , but i think that the list might become very long .
Even with the good job Karsten75 and virgilw does ,
they cant be online all the time , so the waiting time might be days =P

And if there is an map you really whant your score to be posted on ,
you have to play it again after its accepted .

PLZ THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU CALL YOUR TOPIC ! It will make the search work better =)
My maps :
How to make links


If the volume of maps gets really large, or k75 gets winded, I can appoint others to help approve maps. 
I have to keep a human in the loop, though, because I want the maps to be appropriate for all.... and the only way to make an effort of this is to have human based approval.