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Started by Apocalypstic, November 21, 2009, 12:01:54 AM

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Quote from: nic nac on February 28, 2010, 10:09:02 AM
I fell off that tactic as its to slow in the later levels where you need to spread fast. I now use a mix of generators and collectors.
Placing at least one collector, then a generator in max distance and connecting another collector in max distance to that one.

This is slow and won't always work. A reactor (which is what I think you meant) costs 40 units to build, that's 4 times as slow as building a collector. If you need to reach out to somewhere, then it is far better to build a row of reactors collectors.

Also, I don't think weapons towers connect to reactors? If I'm correct in that, you cannot defent the foremost reactor you are buiding or clear space in front of it for the next collector in your chain.

Edit: Fixed a dumb mistake.

The Creep Destroyer

Alright my strat is to spam reactors, Speed, Storage for the first 5-10 min if its allowed, then i build a Laser Wall with Drones. I then make funny comments to near-by people about the Balance of Creeper World.
Starcraft 2... where the creeper dies to nukes.
I use lightmage to record my scores.

nic nac

weapons dont connect to reactors, right. but collectors connect to reactors.
usualy i start with an imperfect collector grid and slowly replace every other collector when I have breathing space.
logical S... means big S... - me


ive figured that. If you start out with a solid 20 energy in your reserves from the start. You build one collector, then from there you can build 2 collectors at a time, and that will off-set the cost of building two at once.

Also, if you dont have to, DO NOT, move Odin in the beginning, unless you absolutely have to, moving it takes so much time and you could have used that time fight off creeper. For example, one of the conquest maps has you in a huge crevice with a giant mountain up next to you, getting an upgrade for fire rate and you can hold it off with two blasters, moving it up would have the creeper way too far in my opinion.

For mortars, right after they shoot, i move them so they dont get damaged from creeper, then place them again.

A lot of people probably knew this but, placing a blaster at a higher altitude then a creeper spawner and the spawner being in the range of the blaster instantly caps the spawner.
I am the ultimate lurker.

Why? I joined in 2009. And i have less than 15 posts. Booyah.


Quote from: ElderKingpin on March 08, 2010, 06:54:33 PM
ive figured that. If you start out with a solid 20 energy in your reserves from the start. You build one collector, then from there you can build 2 collectors at a time, and that will off-set the cost of building two at once.
mh... for obvious reasons it's usually better to start with two collectors and then build one at a time (until you got a certain amount of energy stored depending on your production).

Quote from: ElderKingpin on March 08, 2010, 06:54:33 PM
Also, if you dont have to, DO NOT, move Odin in the beginning, unless you absolutely have to, moving it takes so much time and you could have used that time fight off creeper. For example, one of the conquest maps has you in a huge crevice with a giant mountain up next to you, getting an upgrade for fire rate and you can hold it off with two blasters, moving it up would have the creeper way too far in my opinion.
I moved Odin on about every map I played so far. Not repositioning it is usually a huge mistake. On some maps you can move Odin just a few squares to save one or two collectors later.

Moreover it's usually not a good idea to take the firerate upgrade. 10% more energy and 10% less building costs are usually way better. if you are not lazy as I am you can get convinced of that by doing some simple calculations.

Furthermore you should usually fight the creeper as late as possible. fighting it earlier than nessassacy is usually a wast eof energy


both of my strategies work fine for me. Ive never had to move Odin city.
If you decide to place a blaster in a layer of creeper, and the "creeper fog" is covering his health bar, then he isnt killing fast enough.
I am the ultimate lurker.

Why? I joined in 2009. And i have less than 15 posts. Booyah.


Try what hi says, it really makes sense.
My CW1 maps: downloads - overview
My CW2 maps: downloads - overview


Some maps call for moving Odin City; most do not IMO. As for upgrades; I'll usually get 10% more energy and building costs 20% less first. Added range third; though there are cases where I'll get it first. (Particularly if I need to keep the creeper level down with a mortar or two.) Fire rate usually comes last; and a lot of times I don't bother.
Power. Power! I must have more POWER!


Regarding moving Odin city:

Quote from: hi on March 08, 2010, 08:30:22 PM
I moved Odin on about every map I played so far. Not repositioning it is usually a huge mistake. On some maps you can move Odin just a few squares to save one or two collectors later.

That, and I always assumed that Odin City collected less energy when it is located against a wall or edge of the map. Why waste energy that comes for free?

Regarding upgrades, about the same as Katra. Unless I'm in a particular situation, this is my order:

1. 10% less building costs (which means 10% less energy for building AND 10% faster building!)
2. 10% more energy (unless the map already provides many collectors and/or reactors and can be finished quickly).
3. 20% faster building (unless I'm already in starvation/deficit mode without the upgrade).
4/5. 20% more fire range OR 30% faster moving (often the range upgrade, unless I need to move a lot of blasters or Odin City. I also don't pick the range upgrade when this makes capping emitters harder; I don't want the blasters to get distracted from their main job).
6. 15% more fire rate (it often drains my energy quicker than I want to. I actually would prefer an upgrade to slow my weapons down a bit, especially the mortars).
My CW1 maps: downloads - overview
My CW2 maps: downloads - overview


Does anyone have any strategies on building bases fast to get to survivors before being overrun or trying to keep an island half way across the map before the creeper can overrun it?  I'm having trouble with some custom maps that require you to get to survivors in just a few minutes before they are killed I keep getting close but never can get them, and I see that people have beaten the level but I just can't seem too.


You could put a collector on that island and then fly over it with OC to build it. As you probably won't have a connection to your network, this might be the first thing you want to do. After that give up the collector or reconnect to it later. You can also build a collector on that island and connect to it by having a blaster flying in the air. Both options require some step by step pausing of the game.
My CW1 maps: downloads - overview
My CW2 maps: downloads - overview


Alternatively bomb the creeper in the vicinity - this works especially well if the pods are on raised ground. If you don't have drones, fly a mortar there to bomb the surrounding area, fly it back to recharge, rinse, repeat.  Not my cup of tea, I usually give those types of maps a miss.


Quote from: Karsten75 on March 15, 2010, 10:04:34 PM
Not my cup of tea, I usually give those types of maps a miss.

:o But Corvus is your favourite map!
My CW1 maps: downloads - overview
My CW2 maps: downloads - overview


Granted (boy I'm creeped out that you care this much), but check my , you will see I didn't have to do any of those things.

For my personal best, I did fly a mortar or two into the creeper, but that was a short once-off operation and did not necessitate micro-manipulation of my units.