Full screen is very slow

Started by iycgtptyarvg, April 17, 2010, 11:08:19 AM

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I play this game full screen, but after a while the game gets really slow. The timer takes about 5 seconds to progress 1 second. When I press <ESC>, I go to windowed mode which is almost full screen. The game then speeds up again to 1 second per second.

Why is this?


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Aha, ok. This should be in the FAQ.

I wanted to quit the game out of frustration (hence the <ESC> key press). Then, all of a sudden I saw it go really fast with a 'maximized but not full-screen' window!

I hope this can be fixed (Adobe or NVidia?) because it does look a lot less.


Impossible to play the game full screen unless you have like an extremely fast processor.



It depends completely of the complexity of the map; simple maps won't cause any trouble at all.

And an extremely fast processor is also not necessary; my computer is a one year old mid-range and I always play full screen. I guess the type of graphics card will make most of the difference.

Besides this you can see it as an advantage when the game runs a little slower: you have more time to overview things and take action when needed. The slower I play, the higher my scores are.
My CW1 maps: downloads - overview
My CW2 maps: downloads - overview


When I play and my computer can't handle it, it actually slows down. It's kinda like being drunk; your mouse clicks are delayed by around 5 seconds.



I had the same problem.  Dual core CPU here and it runs slower than Modern Warfare 2.  /me thinks Adobe isn't the best thing to use to code a 2d video game.  Adobe always makes stuff that runs slow or crashes like Adobe reader (I use foxit reader instead).  I don't think it should take more processing power than a super nintendo game.  It's a fun game though and has potential, jtood bad you can't build too much stuff or play too long or it starts to choke.
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