mothwentbad's maps

Started by mothwentbad, March 24, 2010, 01:28:31 PM

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Hey. Just thought I'd start a thread for my maps just in case.

Exxon-Valdez just got approved and is now playable. It took me just barely over 4 minutes to finish, and I don't think it's possible to last a lot longer than that. Though it may be possible to be a fair amount quicker.

Oh, and the link:


Strange, I'm sure I posted here yesterday... ???

I like your maps! Nice use of background images that don't distract from the game, despite the use of different colors.

I finished Exxon Valdez yesterday and think it's a very original map! I didn't even realize that I was playing CW for a moment....

I just noticed at the comments page that you'd like some tips so it can't be finished that fast:
- I chose the 10% less building costs for my first upgrade and build 20% faster for my second one. Didn't bother about the 3rd.
- I put blasters (not connected to the network) inside the ship, so it gets cleared of oil immediately (most blasters won't even be used, so I wouldn't supply that many).
- I build 1 relay through the whale, between body and tail, to shorten the route.
- I build exactly 3 relays simultaneously all the time.

Hope that helps.
My CW1 maps: downloads - overview
My CW2 maps: downloads - overview


Hmmm. Maybe I can take out some bonuses and/or speed reactors and make it harder to put blasters close to the emitter. I put a few blasters inside the bottom-left portion of the barrier, but I didn't know that it was possible clean out the oil from up close. I had intended for the main portion to be more or less unreachable until it spills out all over, and then you were supposed to need all those blasters to defend everything.


I understand. The first time I finished it (also under 2 minutes, but pressed restart as I knew it could be faster) I didn't put the blasters inside the ship (hadn't noticed it was possible because of the oil) and put most of them at the bottom left like you did. The only difference is that you have to manage them more (I just let only 2 of them fire at the same time, preferably when not connected to the network, so I save energy).
My CW1 maps: downloads - overview
My CW2 maps: downloads - overview


If you want to rebalance it yourself, that's fine. I'll be busy for a few days. I'll try to make a harder one soonish, but it still probably won't be close to expert difficulty, since I usually play a little bit laid back.


Nah, that's up to you. And for me they don't have to be Expert Only, as I like some variation and also enjoy playing some relaxed maps.
My CW1 maps: downloads - overview
My CW2 maps: downloads - overview


I just uploaded The Ants. You can look for it soon.


The Ants is suddenly much harder than I remember it ever being before. Unfortunately, when I downloaded the map and imported it, I lost my old scores. I don't know exactly how to back it up so and double-check. I know that I did it with two drones and some blasters, though. And a mortar, when I got closer.


Usually when you import a map that you loaded from your own files, you will find two copies in the list of custom maps. Sort by name and see if you can't find them that way.


It's not there. The only thing I can think is that maybe I imported the map to the game, but didn't save the .cwm file... but I always make sure to double-check that I actually save a map when it works... unless I didn't this time. :-/

I don't know, I'm kind of curious whether the elite gamers can finish it now. I could've sworn that I finished it once, but apparently I got lucky.


I posted one of those gimmicky maps where things are destined to happen in a certain order and you have to race around and whatnot. What with disintegrating walls and whatever. I didn't even do much with the terrain, just a lot of looping around and picking up bonuses and whatever.

However, the disintegrating corridor that the creeper goes through causes a widening aperture that increases the threat over time, which was a nice touch I might use again. It might be more interesting with non-flat geography, but oh well.