Escape from Kaliron - Map series (WiP)

Started by Vexsin, April 09, 2010, 04:11:55 PM

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This will be a little ongoing project I would like to do in my spare time for a map series that follows a set story line that will take place in the realm of Creeper World. The end goal of the series is not to create something that people rip their hair out in frustration of trying to complete the map, but at the same time provide a good challenge to the general public that may play the maps. Something that is fun, winnable, and enjoyable.

Kaliron was a planet torn apart by civil war. Far from the comfort and civility of the galaxy, the planet plunged into darkness devoid from almost all outside human contact. The distance was also a blessing... Kaliron was spared from the initial wrath of the creeper. Of course.... this was all about to change. On the outskirts of Kalir city, in the Ventil Provence, we find a mobile city that was on a mining prospect. Their world was all changed the moment the emitters fell from the sky....

Overall Difficulty: Hard
Average Playtime Per Level: 25-35 min (give or take some on certain levels)

Map 01 - Ventil
Map 02 - Kernstrag
Map 03 - Navtel
Map 04 - Gazari
Map 05 - Kalir Basin
Map 06 - Lower Kalir

The goal, like in most maps, is to just activate the totems as fast as possible and escape the creeper. Instead of rifting across planets, in this game you are using 'short-jumps' to warp distances to travel around the planet. The first couple of missions, you are trying to get back to the main city to seek aid as well as help defend against the creeper.

Map 01 - Ventil Provence
Where it all begins:

Map 02 - Kernstrag Mining Camp
An old abandoned mining camp that was strip-mined years ago:

Map 03 - Navtel Creator
Said to have been formed by a comet that crashed many years ago:

Map 04 - Gazari River Banks
The river used to flow through here making for a beautiful scene with many waterfalls:

Map 05 - Kalir Basin
Outside of the Kalir city limits:

More maps to come down the road along with more info and story!

I'm still testing out a few things making sure everything is to my liking as far as game play goes. I'll probably release them all this weekend and begin working on the next couple of maps.


Not sure how they will play yet, but looks nice! *thumbs up*

30-40 minutes? We'll find out later.... ;)
My CW1 maps: downloads - overview
My CW2 maps: downloads - overview


That's the goal, so far I was able to beat all 5 maps and it did take about 30 min. Still a few minor terrain tweaks I need to make, I'll prob post them all tomorrow for people to try out


updated the first topic with the 2 two maps that have been approved and added. Looking for constructive feedback.
