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Started by Sniper, March 02, 2010, 03:55:57 AM

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I have tried map with mines and must say that they are very unused potential.

From the pseudo-logic of creeper world it should be very easy for Odin city to create mine (don't try to tell me that it is hard to create simple explosives when you can create complex devices like mortar, drones of nuclear reactor).

So now from the gameplay point of view. It can be said it is ineffective to use mines because we have drones (to bring somewhere mine is as difficult as carpet bombing and yes, carpet bombing is more effective). But what about a start of map? There can be an option set by creator how many free mines are available (default=0). Player can deploy this mines where he wants during game pause and then the game starts. As you can see, it will not change the already existing maps, but will ad new possibility for new maps. Well-placed mines are very potent, and is new AND different feature when compared to already existing parts of game.


On the other hand, I see great usability for Drone miner in some maps, as it would cost just 5-10 packets to fully load him and it would place mine on strategic locations (where for example creeper will leave pool when it is filled). In theory it looks great, the questiuon is if someone would use it and not prefer already existing drones (main advantage of drone miner is packet usage and less stress on micromanagement).
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I like being able to lay the mines myself. At the moment they often get detonated by thin creeper, with no thick creeper in the vicinity to make the mortar shells effective. A good place would be the defensive side of a pool, so when the pool overflows, it might get reduced by a fair amount.

On the other hand I think mines don't belong in CW as implemented at the moment. They are the only random factor in the game (except for the targets of spores, but you can defend yourself against that), which might cause different scores when playing the same way. When you're lucky the shells hit thick Creeper, when you're unlucky the shells hit nothing at all. It would be nice when the shells target the deepest Creeper, with a minimum spread of let's say 3 squares.

Edit: typo
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