Packet speed drivers

Started by UpperKEES, January 25, 2010, 12:36:15 PM

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Hi all,

I searched the forums and found many of my questions answered, but couldn't find the answer for my question about the packet speed drivers:

How much does 1 speed driver speed up the dispatch of energy packets?
Is it a percentage of the original speed and is it limited to a maximum speed (which would cause building more than ie. 4 of them to be useless)?

At the moment I'm just guessing if an additional speed driver would help me, according to the length of my network and energy demand.

Many thanks in advance!

Grtz, UpperKEES
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there's almost no upper limit to how fast you can make the packets travel


Hi Aurzel, thanks for your quick reply! :)

Do you know if the speed increase is a fixed number of units per second, or a percentage of the previous speed?

In the last case, the first speed driver would increase the speed more than the subsequent ones build.
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i'm not sure but i think it's a constant increase


Oh, I don't know why my search didn't return this thread, but I found the answer here.

I guess I can close this topic now. :)
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