Packet control BUG (annoying and exploitable)

Started by Kapoios, November 12, 2010, 10:40:16 AM

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This is a bug of the packet control system of Odic City. When you click one of the three coloured buttons of Odin City to forbid production of a certain type of package the structures seem to forget packets of that type that are on their way to them.

For example, let's say you have started powering a totem and it has already requested 9 totem packets that have been dispatched and are on the way to the totem. Before the 10th packet is dispatched, you click the top packet control button to forbid production of totem packages. After a few seconds but before the 9 packets have reached the totem, you re-enable totem packages. The totem has forgotten about them and it request 10 new ones, and then it has 19 packets coming to it. It will waste 9 packets of energy.

It is very annoying, because I use packet control very extensively and sometimes extremely precisely in cases where 1 energy matters a lot for a high score. I sometimes see an already built structure receiving 5-6 extra building packets or an already spinning totem getting extra energy. It is very frustrating.

It is also exploitable, because red packet control can be used to skip the need for speed in long networks to keep blasters firing.

As a rather amusing example, load the attached map. Let it run for a bit to see what happens. After the initial 10 packets that come at double frequency (because the blaster is empty), it stabilises to sending sets of 10 packets periodically, leaving the blaster starving some of the time. This is normal behaviour and the reason one needs to use speeds to power blasters in large networks, as there can never be more than 10 packets dispatched at any time. Now do the following: right after the 8th or 9th packet (but before the 10th) has been dispatched, double click OC's red button. See what happens. An extra 10 packets get dispatched (which they shouldn't). Even worse, if you leave it running, you'll see the system stabilising to a continuously firing blaster, which would normally be impossible without speeds.



Oops! My apologies! Damn, all this time spent studying how this works! In my defense, I did search, just not the right terms, it seems.


Well, I should probably have used a different title for that topic, but I discovered more similar flaws after my initial post as you've probably read.
My CW1 maps: downloads - overview
My CW2 maps: downloads - overview


No harm buddy. Im just trying to keep the forums cleaner. :) Welcome!