Freezes loading map list

Started by corgano, November 03, 2010, 06:41:21 PM

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When I load the custom map list, the game tends to freeze. Is there a way to fix this?


Is it a complete lockup, or just a temporary 10-15 seconds freeze?
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Yep, it's a known annoyance, see here. For some reason the files are read every time you open that screen, causing a delay, also after playing a map. When this map data would just be stored somewhere and only refreshed after clicking a refresh button, this freezing would be gone (hint hint! ;D).

The only way to solve it at the moment is to reduce the number of maps in your GameData.dat file. If you still like to keep track of scores of played maps you could for instance start with a new GameData.dat after playing 100 custom maps by making a copy of the old one first and removing all old maps manually. Don't start off with a completely new file, because then you'd have to play all in-game maps again to get access to certain functionality, like Double Down and the Chronom maps. Maybe it's a good thing to keep a copy of a GameData.dat file with all missions finished, but no custom maps loaded. You could re-use a copy of this file over and over.
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I just realized I had 3600 maps.
My bad
It takes about 73 seconds to load the map list. as long as i don't touch anything during then it doesn't muck up. Getting the map list and data once instead of every time the list was displayed would be a good idea. The map data doesn't even change in game! (the scores are in a different file).

He has probably already fixed this for CW2.


Heheh! ;D And don't you love it when you select the wrong map by accident or because of a delayed mouse click? ;) There goes another 73 seconds!

Downloading and importing the full map pack isn't a good idea. Better select and download them individually; that way you will probably also read the comments and have a look at the scores and ratings, giving you a better impression about the quality of a map.

By the way: the map data itself doesn't change, but the list checks each time if new maps have been added. Nevertheless reading 3600 titles shouldn't take 73 seconds, but hey, it's Adobe AIR! :P
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Can someone please tell us how to edit the gameData.dat file. What software to use?
Thanks for your help


Impossible! And I'm glad it is, because this prevents people from changing their scores and resubmit them. ;)

The only two options are adding files by importing them or manually copying them to your customgames folder, and deleting them one by one by clicking the 'X' after selecting a map in the list.
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What about the chronom maps list. I'm still stuck with seeing only the first 100 played. When is scheduled the next software upgrade to correct this?


Soon, it's already in beta (I had the same problems). Maybe Virgil waits a little to fix a few more issues, not sure about that.
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