Regarding the “increase fire range” upgrade

Started by Timwi, October 08, 2010, 09:18:00 AM

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While reading old threads about the various upgrades, I got the impression that "increase fire range" is among the most popular. I found this surprising because it can be detrimental, while producing more energy or requiring 10% less to build cannot. So I decided to try and make a map in which the "increase fire range" upgrade is really detrimental. I don't know if I succeeded in getting the point across in this map, but maybe some of you can get the idea.

The map is called In the Distance.


Yeah, that upgrade can have a negative effect when capping emitters, because the blasters get distracted more easily. When using mortars or SAMs however, or when bunny hopping with blasters it is very useful.

I know some players mention the extended fire range as their favorite upgrade, but I think most people will list it as their third choice (after -10% building costs and +10% energy). The nice thing about the +20% firing range upgrade is that there is no other way to achieve this effect, so for some maps you can't do without it.
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Did you play my map? It is precisely the mortars whose usefulness is negated by the upgrade in my map. At least that was the intention — looking at your scores, you seem to be pretty good at this game, so maybe you found a way around it and never ran into it?


Nope, I didn't play your map yet. Do you mean the mortars target the emitters itself instead of deep pools after selecting the range upgrade? That can happen as well (also without the upgrade). When there's no better location for them it could indeed be wise to select a different upgrade, but often the mortars are able to reach further into the deep parts of the pools with it.
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As with everything else, there are guidelines and then there are exceptions to those guidelines.

I can't quite match your times, but my strategy involves placing two mortars (with +20% range) at the top where they just manage to fire into the pools and prevent the pools from ever flooding. Then once I've got the relays in place, I move those mortars to the walls and then it is all over.


I typically do this and "Things cost 20% less to build" or whatever that left middle one is...

I'm a big fan of mortars in most cases so it really does help a lot!!
/[ ]\


I played your map. . . I see what you mean about the mortars and the firing range increase. On the top-left pool, if you put a mortar with increased range there it hits the "deepest" spot which is a small hole. Since the mortar effects an area of the same level of ground the deepest part of the Creeper is not always the most "effective" place to fire.

On most maps though the range boost does help but for this map... I'm not sure  :o
To fight back the Creeper all you need is. . . What? Energy.
My maps CW1 are located here try out my MIS series.


Yeah, I wrote something about the effectiveness of mortar shells and drone bombs, see here.
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