I'm at a dead-end

Started by Blaze, August 13, 2010, 07:50:39 PM

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So, I have my next story map ready, but I haven't written the story yet.
Does anyone want to see me complete the series?
If not then I'll just continue the maps without the story.
I'm unmotivated...


So then, no one care.
Guess I'll post the next one up without the story in a couple of days.


Uploade your maps , and add the story to the comments later if you want to .
It's always nice with new maps =)
PLZ THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU CALL YOUR TOPIC ! It will make the search work better =)
My maps : http://knucklecracker.com/creeperworld/viewmaps.php?author=SPIFFEN
How to make links


Hmmm, you might regret that later on. Why not wait a few days until you get motivated again? Just release a few unrelated maps in between if you still like to publish something. You often get inspiration when you don't force yourself. :) I'm a little behind on my own schedule as well (still haven't finished my next map), but I decided just to release one of them per week instead of two, as I believe quality is more important than numbers.
My CW1 maps: downloads - overview
My CW2 maps: downloads - overview


I ended up not publishing 2 of my maps 2 weeks ago because it took longer than I wanted and it would of come out the week I was gone and I do not like not being there for my map. The best thing you can do is wait. That is the answer to all problems. Wait ;).
My CW2 Maps
My CW1 Maps
Quote from: Sqaz on August 28, 2011, 02:49:35 PM
The comments are here to comment, dare to use them.


I can easily make the maps, that the easy part.
Like the game of chess map I made, I ment to work on something totally different, and came up with that instead.

It's the story I can't think of.
I'm going to try and cut the amount in half, two more indoor maps, then you have all the tech, and maybe two more outdoor maps, and the final.

If I can just get the story thought up.

And thanks, I was beginning to think that no one cared.
But either way, I'm going to re-post every map of the story without all the story related stuff.
Maybe I should do that while I think of the story for it.


The next map is up.
Tell me what you think and how many blasters you use.
I used 26. :P