Custom Map #2128: Operation incursion. By: Vertu

Started by AutoPost, August 05, 2021, 03:19:31 AM

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Took me a dozen attempts until I managed to stay alive long enough to expand.

Not sure if this is a bug or not though; had 5 miners with 2 ERNS generating 12 power. Three got destroyed (not the ERN'd ones) so I built 5 new ones (had some space, 7 in total) but had 7 energy.. ended up under producing and got wiped out.


Quote from: dj84722 on August 06, 2021, 04:49:22 AM
The fighters are probably my favorite unit of yours and i like summoner able to produce battle stations on other maps, though fighters cause a lot of lag when 5 or more are moving at the same time, the same can be said about some of you other units firing also like the WMS and SGML
I made a few adjustments for my own copy of the air unit cpack, summoner: increased ammo request rate and unit caps.   Battle station: increased ammo capacity   Fighter: added a 10 hover height option for refueling without having to terp at low heights

Seeing how the hover height setting works inspired me to add variable settings to a structure from another cpack rather than have 3-5 different cpacks for each setting ( i already had 2, small and large radius for 0 terrain height and was thinking about adding 2 more for 10 height)
I took the M.O.A.B. from The Aquarium 1161 (A bomb that destroys everything including terrain in a large radius) and made a terp bomb with variable blast radius, terrain height and special terrain

Edit: you have a misspelling on the fighter controls, you put Deapest instead of Deepest
Might I ask what 4rpl call is for terrain destruction? I am having a tough time finding it myself. Last time I recalled it involved something and was a side-setting of the call.
Life isn't fair because we say it isn't. Not because it is unfair. In fact, it is so fair we want to say it isn't and do.


Quote from: Vertu on August 14, 2021, 09:50:57 PM
Might I ask what 4rpl call is for terrain destruction? I am having a tough time finding it myself. Last time I recalled it involved something and was a side-setting of the call.

SetTerrain and SetTerrainSpecial is probably what you are looking for, I only have a really basic understanding of how 4rpl works, you can find my modified unit on Terp Bombs V1.1 map 2138 or the original M.O.A.B on the aquarium map 1161, though that one a code error in it along with Terp Bombs map 2133

      # Delete terrain EXCEPT for the area with the unit.
      # Doing this will generally destroy everything else since there's nothing to stand on.
      <-minZ ->currZ
      while <-currZ <-maxZ lt
         <-minX ->currX
         while <-currX <-maxX lt
            DistanceCell(<-cellposX <-cellposZ <-currX <-currZ) ->dist

            if (<-dist <-HoleRadius lt <-dist 4 gt &&)
               SetTerrain(<-currX <-currZ <-NewHeight)
               SetTerrainSpecial(<-currX <-currZ <-SPLT)

            <-currX 1 + ->currX

         <-currZ 1 + ->currZ

This is the code error

I believe one of the offending issues was an extra || at the end of the 'if' statement in this code:
# Wait until built and fully charged.
if (GetPause GetUnitConstructing(self) GetUnitAmmo(self) GetUnitMaxAmmo(self) lt || ||)


Thanks, not what I was looking for but gives me a new idea anyways for something more applicable in this case.
Life isn't fair because we say it isn't. Not because it is unfair. In fact, it is so fair we want to say it isn't and do.