odin city repairs

Started by jem, February 07, 2010, 02:08:09 PM

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did you now odin city repairs after being hit?
remember to play my maps. maps from the player jem! http://knucklecracker.com/creeperworld/viewmaps.php?author=jem


Yes. I even knew that it only does that while on the ground.


No, I always thought it exploded when the center got hit by the Creeper.

How much damage can it take? Does it have the same amount of health as military structures? Why is there no health bar for Odin City?
My CW1 maps: downloads - overview
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There is a health 'bar' (er, arc).... look carefully around the center. 


Yes, it's just hard to tell it's a health bar circle until you take damage, and most people restart when that happens. I only know from missed juggles. [Note: By juggles, I mean flying Odin City continuously when there's no safe landing spot] As for how huch health it has... I honestly don't know


Ah! I did notice that circle becoming red sometimes, but I was in starvation mode at that time, so I figured that was causing it. Always happy to learn something new! :)
My CW1 maps: downloads - overview
My CW2 maps: downloads - overview


you know i've actually never noticed the health circle lol

The Creep Destroyer

First time ive ever noticed the little circle all is made clear!
Starcraft 2... where the creeper dies to nukes.
I use lightmage to record my scores.