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Special Mode

Started by knucracker, August 08, 2009, 01:04:32 PM

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For those wondering what might happen if you finish the entire game (all 20 story, all 25 conquest, and all 10 special ops)...
Well you get a special game mode that can make some levels even more of a challenge.



LOL that sounds awesome. I also played the demo, loved it, and bought it straight away.

Not a purchase I'm ever going to regret either.

This game is wonderful. Simple enough to understand right away but there's enough twists that I am going to be determined to finish every single game-mode and map and to not stop until the entire game is completed and my strategy-cravings satisfied.

Thank you, your hard work is really obvious and the game is definitely something I will be coming back to again and again even after I have played and gotten myself on the #1 spot on the highscore list. (keel to everyone).


Two of those levels are BRUTAL - Gump and Chop Raider.

Tips for Gump -- build small, and build reactors as quickly as you possibly can (but one at a time!).  You need to stabilize with a mortar or two and blasters until you can build a drone to push back and enough reactors to finance an expansion.

Tips for Chop Raider:

This level is tricky because of the spore attacks every :40.  The creep isn't really your main problem, you can hold it off with just 3-5 blasters pretty easily, as long as you have enough power to charge them. 

To start, build a SMALL circle around yourself to the tail of the chopper.  Wait until you green out the entire circle with collectors before you build anything else.  Then, build 2 blasters on the left, 1 blaster blocking the right entrance behind the chopper, and 3 SAMS inside.  As soon as 3 Sams get built, build a nuclear reactor and another SAM.  Then build reactors and maybe 1 more SAM, but mostly reactors.  You need to keep building reactors (1 at a time!) until you have enough to power your blasters and recharge your sams with some left over.  You need to stay as compact as possible while you do this so the SAM coverage overlaps.  Eventually you can build more blasters and expand out a bit so you can fit in more reactors.  At some point build a drone so you can blast back the goo, and from there it's relatively easy.  Just expand SLOWLY.  You need lots of redundant SAMS to cover your whole area, and lots of reactors to power everything, so move your blasters out just a bit, and back fill with reactors and sams, move them out a bit again, etc.  You can't have enough reactors on this level. 

Oh, and if you get hit with a spore early, just restart, you're done.


Quote from: empath on August 10, 2009, 11:58:44 PM
Two of those levels are BRUTAL - Gump and Chop Raider.

Tips for Gump -- build small, and build reactors as quickly as you possibly can (but one at a time!).  You need to stabilize with a mortar or two and blasters until you can build a drone to push back and enough reactors to finance an expansion.

Tips for Chop Raider:

This level is tricky because of the spore attacks every :40.  The creep isn't really your main problem, you can hold it off with just 3-5 blasters pretty easily, as long as you have enough power to charge them. 

To start, build a SMALL circle around yourself to the tail of the chopper.  Wait until you green out the entire circle with collectors before you build anything else.  Then, build 2 blasters on the left, 1 blaster blocking the right entrance behind the chopper, and 3 SAMS inside.  As soon as 3 Sams get built, build a nuclear reactor and another SAM.  Then build reactors and maybe 1 more SAM, but mostly reactors.  You need to keep building reactors (1 at a time!) until you have enough to power your blasters and recharge your sams with some left over.  You need to stay as compact as possible while you do this so the SAM coverage overlaps.  Eventually you can build more blasters and expand out a bit so you can fit in more reactors.  At some point build a drone so you can blast back the goo, and from there it's relatively easy.  Just expand SLOWLY.  You need lots of redundant SAMS to cover your whole area, and lots of reactors to power everything, so move your blasters out just a bit, and back fill with reactors and sams, move them out a bit again, etc.  You can't have enough reactors on this level. 

Oh, and if you get hit with a spore early, just restart, you're done.

I was wondering about gump!
We have become the creeper...


Can you please stop reviving old threads? Your spamming in chat yesterday was annoying enough.
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