Buying the Game

Started by glengainer, April 10, 2010, 01:33:46 PM

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It took me 8 very long weeks to buy the game  :-[
(To convince my dad to let me have a student paypal account just to buy it)

Maybe I'm the only kid on the forum but need to be an easy way for kids (like me) who love this game to buy it and support it (maybe some other way then to pay)

-mochicoins (which can be earned free by doing free offers) buy the game level by level
Like Kamron3 said here

-free full game with ads (I would not mind viewing several ads between levels)

-many a free ofter program (like what mochicoins uses)

-put it on [amazon giftcards can be gotten for free from site like]
which is what I used and trade my parent a $10 giftcard for $10 paypal to buy the game

Or my best idea yet
-map download system (get the game free after your maps get download or rated x times) great way to ensure new content (or [buy the kid the game] button next to his map)

Please put in one of these system in (or I never get to play Creeper World 2  :'( till I'm 18)

EDIT: I have play this game 3 day so far and LOVE IT


The problem with mochicoins is that the developer gets a very small slice of what the gamer pays for the mochicoins. So even if you were to pay $15 in mochicoins, Virgil will not get the $10 he charges. So you will pay more and Virgil will earn less. He will earn even less if he lets you earn mochicoins in his own game, since then he has to pay mochi for those.

Ad revenue is also insignificant, so many people have found ways to block ads or simply just ignore them.

We discourage people who don't have the full game from submitting maps, since they cannot play and test their maps, hence they usually submit flawed maps. So that would leave you in a catch-22 situation.

The easiest solution next time would be to get (at least in the US) a pre-paid Visa or Master Card from any place that sells gift cards and use that to pay for the game.

If you haven't guessed it yet, I am very against the "get something for nothing" idea that seems to pervade the internet, since IMHO it leads to a lot of scams and ultimately makes everything more expensive.


Quote from: Karsten75 on April 10, 2010, 02:06:07 PM
The problem with mochicoins is that the developer gets a very small slice of what the gamer pays for the mochicoins. So even if you were to pay $15 in mochicoins, Virgil will not get the $10 he charges. So you will pay more and Virgil will earn less. He will earn even less if he lets you earn mochicoins in his own game, since then he has to pay mochi for those.

The split is 60% Developers / 40% Mochi
the minimum price a developer may set is 200 coins, and pricing is limited to increments of 200 coins

So for Virgil to get $10 it would cost $16.67 (exchange rate is $1.00 USD for 800 coins)

There are

20 Story Missions (35% of game)
Make it 4800 so the levels could be sold in 4 sets of 1200 MC

25 Conquest Missions (45% of game) + 10 Special Ops Missions (20% of game)
Make it 9000 sell it in 5 sets (5 Conquest Missions +2 Special Ops Missions) for 1800 MC

Total price of game 13800 More then enough for Virgil to get his well earned $10

If Virgil release a new map pack (aka Creeper World v 1.5) easy to sell by just add them to the store

Also would help the people who want the game and are on the edge about buying it
(more likily to spend $1.5 on next 5 maps vs $10 for whole game)

Yes I would pay more but I could pay this way (more kids would have a mochi acount then a paypal acount)
(and it still beats explaining to my parents why I need a pay a $3.95 fee on a $10 pre-paid card)

Just an idea ...


i'm informed non backward countrys (not included mine >.>) sell prepaid credit cards like 20 or 30 dollars + in certain shops, handy if you're in america or another of those countries lol


Don't use those to pay, especially with PayPal...

You aren't allowed to use those types of cards with PayPal.



Personally I would never have bought this game when I was forced to use Mochi or something similar. I want to buy my games independently and all at once (as I don't like to get the impression that a game will cost me a lot more in the future).

It would be nice if FastSpring would also allow for international transfers. Within the EU those transfers are free of charge and I am sure that many people would use it for 2 reasons:
- Much easier for people under 18 years old.
- Much easier in countries where credit cards are not used that much. In Europe you can often pay for everything with your normal bank pass, so many people don't see the need for a credit card.
My CW1 maps: downloads - overview
My CW2 maps: downloads - overview