Custom Map #2319: Underground

Started by AutoPost, June 11, 2013, 12:01:04 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2319: Underground

Author: Smashead666

Goodluck. 1st part is kind of tricky.. at least for me.


I can't help but think I'm missing something obvious.  Is there a way of dealing with a metric arseton of creeper that's trapped inside shields other than to line up as many launchers as possible, go eat lunch, and come back every now and then to rebuild shields?  (And no, it's not enough to convert, that's an *imperial* arseton.)


Honestly, it took me about 3 playthroughs to actually finish the damn thing, haha. I used Makers, a lot of makers. I kind of went easy with the fields, so you don't have to worry about any creeper going into your base, it was way to hard when it all came crashing down. I just delt with the 1st pool you encounter, the one thats eating away at the ground, and lined up blasters, launchers and makers to spam anti-creeper.

Also, try taking out the emitters when the creeper shifts. 


Side note: How the hell did someone beat my map in like 5 minutes?! I would love to see a video of that.


Some of the old Creeper World hands are truly astounding in their scores :)
It's something called experience and thinking outside the box.
Or finding a flaw (no offense intended) in a map that allows it to be quickly finished.


haha, no offence taken. I wish I had the ability to find flaws, or back doors, or work arounds like that. I made the map, and it still takes me almost 30 mins to beat it, lmao. :P


You only need some well placed shields to force creeper-to-anticreeper-conversion. At 5:00 min the fields are turning again, and everything will be mixed together.
