The Company Name

Started by UpperKEES, December 02, 2011, 06:57:27 PM

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So how did you come up with "Knuckle Cracker"?
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I love telling this story... it's pretty silly.

I've always had a bad habit of cracking my knuckles.... just something I do before I get to seriously thinking about something.  

So years ago I thought up a super hero.  His name was "The Knuckle Cracker".  By day he was a chiropractor (as a cover) but when needed, he could turn into "The Knuckle Cracker" and spring to action.  His special power was that when he cracked a joint, it would produce a powerful sonic burst, both focused and controlled.  The kind of burst that knocks down criminals and other evil doers.

He could also crack every joint in his body.  His hand could be like a machine gun as each joint of each finger cracked and took out a bad guy.  Should he ever get tied up and immobilized, he only would need to get just the tip of a little finger free... and bang!  The ropes would be surgically cut by a powerful sonic burst.

His special super move would be to crouch low, shoulders hunched and head held low with arms tucked underneath.  Then in one nearly instantaneous move he would stand up arms out stretched as every single joint in his body would be cracked simultaneously.  The resulting burst would create a shallow crater and level everything around him.  But, after such an expenditure, he would be left immobile and helpless at the bottom of the crater for several minutes.  Only after some time had passed would he be able to stand and revel in his victory.

What does everyone do when they have a neat idea... they register a domain name of course.  So I registered "".  Of course I never got into the comic business, but I did get into the game business.  When it came time to pick a name, I returned to my roots of "cracking knuckles" before getting to work.  And as fortune would have it, I already had a domain name ready to go...

Ebon Heart

Quote from: virgilw on December 02, 2011, 07:39:13 PM
I love telling this story... it's pretty silly.

I've always had a bad habit of cracking my knuckles.... just something I do before I get to seriously thinking about something. 

So years ago I thought up a super hero.  His name was "The Knuckle Cracker".  By day he was a chiropractor (as a cover) but when needed, he could turn into "The Knuckle Cracker" and spring to action.  His special power was that when you cracked a joint, it would produce a powerful sonic burst, both focused and controlled.  The kind of burst that knocks down criminals and other evil doers.

He could also crack every joint in his body.  His hand could be like a machine gun as each joint of each finger cracked and took out a bad guy.  Should he every get tied up and immobilized, he only would need to get just the tip of a little finger free... and bang!  The ropes would be surgically cut by a powerful sonic burst.

His special super move would be to crouch low, shoulders hunched and head held low with arms tucked underneath.  Then in one nearly instantaneous move he would stand up arms out stretched as every single joint in his body would be cracked simultaneously.  The resulting burst would create a shallow crater and level everything around him.  But, after such an expenditure, he would be left immobile and helpless at the bottom of the crater for several minutes.  Only after some time had passed would he be able to stand and revel in his victory.

What does everyone do when they have a neat idea... they register a domain name of course.  So I registered "".  Of course I never got into the comic business, but I did get into the game business.  When it came time to pick a name, I returned to my roots of "cracking knuckles" before getting to work.  And as fortune would have it, I already had to domain name ready to go...
Do you still have the knuckle cracker comics you made? (did you end up making any?) if so, you should post them here!
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. The smart left a long time ago.
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Comics & Super heroes.

I love this sort of thing.

I keep finding new ways to enjoy Watchmen and I can't believe I'd never heard of it until the film came out nearly 25 years after the comic. I've seen the film, read the comic and now I'm enjoying the 'motion comic'.

I particularly like the recent trend to 'behind the scenes' super hero stories like The Incredibles, Sky High, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Kick Ass et al.

And I'm reminded that one of my favourite mini-series of all time - The Lost Room - came about simply because some starving/bored students were sitting around one night asking each other 'what super power would you have if you could choose just one?'.

Ya gotta love that stuff...
Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.


Great story, love it!

Thanks for sharing! :)
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