Entombed Creeper

Started by OldMisfit, October 24, 2011, 10:37:25 AM

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Just developing a map that requires choices to be made as to where to excavate rock.  I want to be able to associate a wrong choice with the release of entombed creeper, but a correct choice with the release of entombed anti-creeper.  I have just realised that a player can discover what creeper is entombed by hovering the mouse over the cell; this ruins the whole concept of my map.

Would it be possible to implement a 'hide entombed creeper' setting into map creation?  This would also have to disable the 'r' key thingy as well.




Interesting idea for a map, I must admit.

As for the entombed creeper, I heard of way in which one can "warp" creeper into a particular location using fields. Thus use a fields that take only one frame to travel (thus passing though all terrain) and warping right into the spot that is suppose to be dug up. Have it timed that it does not warp right away but a few minutes, possible after the terrain has been dug up thus releasing mounds of creeper upon the player.

Keep in mind though, that some people my find this annoying and may not enjoy creeper randomly warping out of no where.

Vote Tony!


There's also no way to stop people from simply saving before digging and loading afterwards - personally I think it will be counterproductive to try to actively hide information from the player, more often than not it will simply annoy them.

As far as the teleporting creeper using fields, make the field loop and do start it right away - creeper can't teleport into terrain, so the field will keep looping and as soon as the terrain is dug up the creeper will teleport there (a teleporting field is the same as a moving field except it only takes 1 frame - this means it still can't put creeper directly under a shield/terrain). Remember to make the field turn off while moving back to the original creeper location (and back on afterwards) too or it will just keep teleporting the creeper back and forth.


There's also no way of stopping people loading a map into the editor to study it (although I proposed the use of passwords a while ago). Some may consider this 'cheating', others will call it a 'professional approach'. In CW1 it was impossible to for instance view spore directions and emitter intervals & intensities, so it became common practise to have a look at them before playing a map.

I think in general you can assume that not many players like catastrophic surprises without any warning.
My CW1 maps: downloads - overview
My CW2 maps: downloads - overview


Quote from: UpperKEES on October 24, 2011, 01:05:58 PM
I think in general you can assume that not many players like catastrophic surprises without any warning.
Makes me think of that nice warning in that Super Collider map.