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Doom?!  More like easy peasy!

The inner square is entirely friendly and faces no threat other than spores.  Of the 8 towers 4 are inside and sitting ducks.  I was able to preemptively kill three of the four outer towers using only the extra CNs.  I was also able to kill everything in that ring using only the CNs, just not before one spore fired once.  Note that this includes the anti-air "protecting" the inhibitor--not that it mattered because I got my fastest time with no air units at all.
Farsite Colonies / Custom Map #5130: Creeper????....
Last post by AutoPost - July 06, 2024, 05:13:28 AM
This topic is for discussion of map #5130: Creeper????

Author: Joguin
Size: 320x200
Ships / Ship #6113: Lander. Designer:...
Last post by AutoPost - July 06, 2024, 04:03:48 AM
This topic is for discussion of ship #6113: Lander

Size: 14x11
Designer: Fivefinger

Now B-2 Arrive to Galaxie
Ships / Ship #6112: Backnoise. Design...
Last post by AutoPost - July 06, 2024, 03:55:49 AM
This topic is for discussion of ship #6112: Backnoise

Size: 10x7
Designer: Fivefinger

Now B-2 Arrive to Galaxie
Colonial Space Map Discussion / Re: Custom Map #10110: Run!!!....
Last post by TimeWeaver - July 06, 2024, 01:31:21 AM
I have never figured out how to get energy across those huge gaps.  The rest of the tricks are trivial, but every map that does this ends up unfinished by me :(
Support for Creeper World 4 / All I want for Christmas
Last post by dorbot - July 05, 2024, 08:14:11 PM
I support the existance of creeper world 4.
I am waiting for creeper world 5.
In my opinion the only thing creeper world 5 needs to be, is creeper world 4 with multi threaded support.

Intel is to blame I know.

Creeper world 4 is great. The community maps are a thing to behold. Its just such a bummer that the framerate is so shitty even if you have a demon bitch ninja rig.

anyway, peace.

Farsite Colonies / Custom Map #5129: do you have ...
Last post by AutoPost - July 05, 2024, 02:57:29 PM
This topic is for discussion of map #5129: do you have any bluite?

Author: Seth220
Size: 256x160
Ships / Ship #6111: Pincher B. Design...
Last post by AutoPost - July 05, 2024, 11:39:39 AM
This topic is for discussion of ship #6111: Pincher B

Size: 8x9
Designer: JC

Simple, cheap and fast as Hell, probably the best little ship I have made thus far. The cost is a mere 292 and you get basic armor, 2 cannons, 2 missile pods, a laser and a 2 particle beams. Powered by two engines can go in and out of action like a Joven.
Ships / Ship #6110: Boxer. Designer: ...
Last post by AutoPost - July 05, 2024, 11:34:01 AM
This topic is for discussion of ship #6110: Boxer

Size: 17x13
Designer: JC

A take on the Hammer ship but with a little more teeth. Cost to build is 692. Apart from the usual armored front to ram through red stuff and the 3 part.beams featured on its cousin, it also comes with 3 lasers and two cannons (what's the fun of ships without those anyway). The rear hull closes in on the engine outlet to try and protect it from getting the ship destroyed every time you retreat.
Ships / Ship #6109: Corvette. Designe...
Last post by AutoPost - July 05, 2024, 11:14:13 AM
This topic is for discussion of ship #6109: Corvette

Size: 10x5
Designer: JC

with a cost to build of 171 the corvette is the smallest and simplest war vessel in any fleet. single engine and only a simple gun array composed of a cannon, a laser and a part.beam. fast but rather harmless, the corvette may be useful early in battle until it can be replaced with more powerful ships. also good at clearing red goo from the field of battle.