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Ships / Ship #6125: Dreadnough. Desig...
Last post by AutoPost - July 18, 2024, 12:16:01 PM
This topic is for discussion of ship #6125: Dreadnough

Size: 35x15
Designer: AsmOdaY

Exchange Map Comments / Custom Map #2023: battleship. ...
Last post by AutoPost - July 17, 2024, 10:39:34 PM
This topic is for discussion of map #2023: battleship

Author: Darkside101
Size: 256x144

a tough ship battle
Farsite Colonies / Custom Map #5147: Frame Wars. ...
Last post by AutoPost - July 17, 2024, 12:03:54 PM
This topic is for discussion of map #5147: Frame Wars

Author: logic loic
Size: 64x80
Ships / Ship #6124: Battleship. Desig...
Last post by AutoPost - July 17, 2024, 12:21:06 AM
This topic is for discussion of ship #6124: Battleship

Size: 25x13
Designer: Arc

Colonial Space Map Discussion / Custom Map #11209: The Castle....
Last post by AutoPost - July 16, 2024, 07:53:54 PM
This topic is for discussion of map #11209: The Castle

Author: WiseConqueror
Size: 256x256

Seige the Castle and defeat the king.
Another map where there's no challenge other than perhaps seeing how fast you can do it.
Custom Map Comments / Custom Map #3084: Night Surviv...
Last post by AutoPost - July 16, 2024, 10:23:47 AM
This topic is for discussion of map #3084: Night Survival

Author: Matteo

Is this FNaF confirmed!?!?11!! Har har har har har
Custom Map Comments / Custom Map #3083: Gravity Conf...
Last post by AutoPost - July 16, 2024, 10:23:43 AM
This topic is for discussion of map #3083: Gravity Confusion

Author: Matteo

The gravity is quirky here, to say the least.
Custom Map Comments / Custom Map #3082: Tight Maze
Last post by AutoPost - July 16, 2024, 10:23:20 AM
This topic is for discussion of map #3082: Tight Maze

Author: Matteo

It's like the ground was BUILT to annoy us here. And it's the first level! Welp, here we go again with the Set of Stuff.
Colonial Space Map Discussion / Re: Custom Map #11205: 279-Har...
Last post by hawgwash - July 15, 2024, 07:57:51 PM
I enjoyed the map Alex.  Brutal start, but once a foothold is established its relatively straightforward with plenty of aether.  I'm curious as to whether it's possible to pick up a Bertha at the beginning and still survive more than a few minutes.  I couldn't.  I lost too much time to get my base established.