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Exchange Map Comments / Re: Custom Map #2024: Super Ma...
Last post by bgzzz - July 24, 2024, 11:51:17 AM
I beat this monster. Too much difficult to be fun.

As suggested, rock burner is required starting from mid game
Exchange Map Comments / Custom Map #2024: Super Magica...
Last post by AutoPost - July 24, 2024, 09:06:32 AM
This topic is for discussion of map #2024: Super Magical Plasma Spell!

Author: Paradox Edge
Size: 256x144

I mostly made this 'cus I like these types of maps. I like to play around with unorthodox gameplay mechanics. It's not very balanced in your favor, but it should still be a decent play, if not a little bit tedious and lengthy. It used to be a lot longer. The map runs fine on 4x, so at least you got that to speed up the process. Clever use of most techs is strongly advised. You're gonna need to swap them out as needed. Don't forget that rock burner exists; it might help you out if you find yourself stuck.
Colonial Space Map Discussion / Re: Custom Map #11205: 279-Har...
Last post by Stu - July 24, 2024, 03:00:25 AM
I have a few stubborn tendencies that make maps harder than they have to be. Behold my wisdom: You don't need a forge ASAP, you can use that space for reactors which will probably benefit you more than 10-30 aether worth of upgrades.  The imminent looming danger of doomsday superspores isn't actually forcing you to hurry very much, you can get away with focusing almost entirely on the whole surviving bit.  It's possible to use a terp to make level terrain lower than 10 height, which surprisingly still lets you put buildings there even though it's not perfect.

Quote from: hawgwash on July 15, 2024, 07:57:51 PMBrutal start, but once a foothold is established its relatively straightforward with plenty of aether.

Are there any maps that aren't straightforward once you've got out of the early game and have yourself a neat little base and a forge hooked up?  I think they'd have to be limited in tech or room to build which might not be fun.  I feel like the latter half of all maps is a victory cruise.  I'd be okay with there being a thor or an inhibitor around the middle of the map as win condition for folks who don't want to thoroughly scrub the map of creeper, so long as it can't be cheesed.  To each their own though, this map was neat I had to restart a bunch
I sometimes like to play simple PAC maps just to be able to mindlessly play a game. This one wasn't bad, but it did have two major flaws. I'll spoiler them since they "give away" the solution, which I feel is a flaw in itself.
Having to let the runner nest get destroyed is a neat idea. The problem is that it's practically impossible to realize that you do need to let it get destroyed. Firstly, the map starts with all of the creeper emitters already pouring out and destroying anything what most will believe is the "starter zone". This makes it very easy to let the whole island fill up, and that there being no turrets to destroy the creeper makes it almost impossible to recover. To really feel like I'm not sitting around for an hour doing nothing, I had to frame-step through the first dozen frames to try to soak up as much creeper I could into digitalis so the puddle that exists at the start of the map didn't last for a while. Here, I would suggest even a mortar or a sprayer to clear up the creeper flood on the island. Secondly, the runner nest being isolated and on its own makes it very easy to just remove the digitalis on the nest to stop the runners from spawning, essentially turning it off, but not validating the win condition. As others have said, this is quite an obscure win condition, and there being some kind of "tell" would help. You might imagine it producing a lot of anti-creeper might be enough, however the runners move so quickly that it still does the other function it's good at: Locking units out of resupply/connections. Making it slow might have made it better. Maybe adding more snipers to really make the idea sink in that you shouldn't be trying to use the runners. After that, it boils back down to problem 1.
I did enjoy it enough to play it a second time though, but it was more begrudging than from interest at that point. Hope to see more maps!
Farsite Colonies / Custom Map #5158: Fox's Boss B...
Last post by AutoPost - July 22, 2024, 11:51:24 PM
This topic is for discussion of map #5158: Fox's Boss Battle V1

Author: Fox
Size: 320x200
Farsite Colonies / Custom Map #5157: Hopeless Vis...
Last post by AutoPost - July 22, 2024, 11:06:47 PM
This topic is for discussion of map #5157: Hopeless Vista

Author: Gobby
Size: 512x128
Farsite Colonies / Custom Map #5156: barrier. By...
Last post by AutoPost - July 22, 2024, 08:10:07 PM
This topic is for discussion of map #5156: barrier

Author: Danu
Size: 128x80
Colonial Space Map Discussion / Custom Map #11210: Slim Jim. ...
Last post by AutoPost - July 21, 2024, 10:10:47 PM
This topic is for discussion of map #11210: Slim Jim

Author: DJ Fish
Size: 256x56

Easy little map built for speed.
Farsite Colonies / Custom Map #5155: Mining Op 3....
Last post by AutoPost - July 21, 2024, 07:31:58 PM
This topic is for discussion of map #5155: Mining Op 3

Author: Ironstone
Size: 220x120
Farsite Colonies / Custom Map #5154: VPAC Termina...
Last post by AutoPost - July 21, 2024, 03:51:34 PM
This topic is for discussion of map #5154: VPAC Terminal Assault

Author: Vertu
Size: 256x160