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Colonial Space Map Discussion / Re: Custom Map #11336: Pretty ...
Last post by AstraNine - November 30, 2024, 09:27:30 AM
An excellent map, loved it. An easy ten for me. No singularity. Not actually sure where I could use a singularity anyway? Very good once I managed to get it started. Two attempts was enough.

Pros I could actually do an MG map which is a change for me.

Cons Bit of a slog using my real time method. Could have used more berthas to mop up.

More of these maps please?
Exchange Map Comments / Re: Custom Map #1799: GMM-B15 ...
Last post by toolforger - November 30, 2024, 02:34:46 AM
For some reason, I can't storm the top left area anymore.
Got all mire spawners lathed except those between the 07 and 08 bridges so I don't even need to turn off core 12, yet when I activate 06 the 250 worth of mire spawners are too much for my 20 omnis (an omni can offset ca. 7 worth of mire spawners, so 20 will overpower 210 but not 250).
The ships don't have cannons except the HQ, the omni cannons don't reach far enough.

I must be overlooking something, but I can't figure out what it is.
Anybody got an idea?

UPDATE: Weird, when I follow the recipe the top-left area falls no problem.
I don't understand how. I'm having less omnis (just 16) and the particles are still flowing and weaken the assault a bit.
Farsite Colonies / Custom Map #5377: Prepare. By...
Last post by AutoPost - November 30, 2024, 01:38:30 AM
This topic is for discussion of map #5377: Prepare

Author: EZM
Size: 512x50
Farsite Colonies / Custom Map #5376: Southern Wal...
Last post by AutoPost - November 29, 2024, 10:33:47 PM
This topic is for discussion of map #5376: Southern Wall

Author: Bananabroom v2
Size: 192x120
Farsite Colonies / Custom Map #5375: Defend the r...
Last post by AutoPost - November 29, 2024, 05:09:52 PM
This topic is for discussion of map #5375: Defend the resources

Author: Don Chama
Size: 400x150
Colonial Space Map Discussion / Re: Custom Map #9685: Defence....
Last post by Johnny Haywire - November 29, 2024, 04:46:29 PM
Quote from: toolforger on November 03, 2024, 07:39:23 AMNo challenge here, please move on.
It's just that it's doing so much trash talk about how challenging it is, when there is really none.

I think you're right, but I'm guessing a lot of things were challenging for Matteo - that mysterious youthful creator who came, then left, then returned, and then vanished again without a trace. of intelligence, it may be said that even talking trash is smarter than trash that can't talk.
Colonial Space Map Discussion / Re: Custom Map #10185: Chaos. ...
Last post by Johnny Haywire - November 29, 2024, 04:32:30 PM
Quote from: Martin Gronsdal on July 30, 2022, 04:55:00 AMwhat does cheating mean, in light of this map?

I think it means pressing "play" and then maybe thinking? I dunno. I apparently have no life, but at least I got the 2nd fastest time. I tried building a blaster and using it to break the "no life" curse, but there just wasn't enough time. Not sure it's worth playing through a 2nd time.

Matteo was... yanno, I think I should let him speak from himself. This is from map #9682 "Long walk" which I see you completed in 55.5 seconds (nicely done):

"Our heroes will have a long walk to do,with 3 Emitters,obiusly because yes,or it would be annoyng. Note:I used the Thor to win this level,dont use it,or it's a illegal win. Also it isin't that long the hallway but yeah,ignore this fun fact."

And to that I can only add a definitely obiusly because yes! We miss Matteo!
Colonial Space Map Discussion / Re: Custom Map #10098: Synthos...
Last post by Johnny Haywire - November 29, 2024, 03:47:17 PM
Zoura, I dunno if you're still around but the rating on this was 1.33 which I find absolutely appalling. Anything below 2 should be either incredibly difficult and rated low because "I can't do the >bleepidy-bleep< map" or because it's just dumb & worthless, like those "achievement maps" which don't achieve anything at all.

This is neither of those. It's maybe above average difficulty but giving it a 7/10 difficulty would be a stretch. Also, it's definitely not a bad map at all. I kinda like the idea of something that converts energy into AC.

In any case, you're probably not around and the 2-3 minutes I spent writing this haven't done anything except help me maintain my typing skill and perhaps some minor verbal brain functions. But in the off-chance you're still around...

Thanks for the map!
Colonial Space Map Discussion / Re: Custom Map #11340: Dungeon...
Last post by Johnny Haywire - November 29, 2024, 02:52:29 PM
PAC maps are nom-nomin'iscious! Short and sweet, no lag, very smooth and easy gameplay. Very relaxing game!

Thanks for the map!
Colonial Space Map Discussion / Custom Map #11341: Tower. By:...
Last post by AutoPost - November 29, 2024, 02:38:23 PM
This topic is for discussion of map #11341: Tower

Author: DJ Fish
Size: 256x128

A fun little grinder.