Custom Map #9889: Vanilla Ice 9889. By: Martin Gronsdal

Started by AutoPost, February 25, 2022, 07:19:27 AM

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Quote from: D0m0nik on February 26, 2022, 03:14:58 AM
There's plenty of time.


At 9 seconds I have 2CN, 2 collectors and I am building a terp and adding a collector network.
At 55 seconds I set the fully loaded terp on its way to the top left. Collectors are all done and I am adding two spores and a couple of mortors. One CN gets sent back into space and I'm thinking about reactors.
1.36 terp lands and makes a landing spot for first CN very top left to the right of the super totem. CN lands. Turn off supply to terp and make a landing for the second CN.
1.54 2nd CN lands, loads of time to build a beam or two, a cannon and nulify the spore.
2.30 first spores fire from middle islands, top left has a cannon ready to go on a PZ, fully loaded beam, nulifier has 3 ammo and is charging rapidly as the aether flies in for upgrades.
2.45 cannon on PZ, loads of upgrades, sitting pretty with time spare  :P

Coming down form the top is key as it gives you earlier PZ berthas which are vital for marching quickly up the right leg. You could shave a minute off by attacking the head of that leg with dropped units and guppiesif you were inclined.
I took a similar but slightly modified approach Not sure if it was faster or not.  My final time was not as good, but I think that was largely due to bad strategy later.

From the starting base send a term, but follow that up with a canon and two beams.  All built at the starting base and transported to top left.  That gives you enough firepower and beams to survive until you establish some energy up there.  I kept both CNs at the bottom.

Johnny Haywire

Wow, so many comments on this map!

There may be multiple solutions and approaches...
    But there's only ONE way to Rock!

I think that's back and forth. Or maybe side to side. I never figured that part out.

Thanks for the map!
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?