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Smarter Launchers

Started by sayaks, June 16, 2011, 12:00:59 PM

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I would like it if the launchers were smarter, as in that they wont all attack the same cell if there is more creeper. Like when a launcer targets a cell, another launcher will try to avoid firing there.


Quote from: sayaks on June 16, 2011, 12:00:59 PM
I would like it if the launchers were smarter, as in that they wont all attack the same cell if there is more creeper. Like when a launcer targets a cell, another launcher will try to avoid firing there.

Just disarm the other launcher(s) for some frames so their shooting isn't in sync anymore.
And if you need to use more than one launcher the density you're facing is most likely to dense to already pierce through it with one or even a lot of shot(s).


Wouldn't it be best to try and place launchers far enough apart to where they dont target the same cell? Unless something has changed from CW to CW2 launchers (mortars) attack the deepest creeper.

Sqaz made a good point of disarming the other launcher.


How about a toggleable option that will cause lanchers to choose a non-optimal target, by when searching for creeper to blast, each cell it looks at, the creeper count is multiplied by a randomy number from 0.5 to 1.5 which would help in large groups, and while they would likely choose suboptimal targets often if they were solo, they would spread their fire out in groups, and far less overkill may occur. The random multiplier could be changed to span a greater or shorter range if needed.

Ebon Heart

Quote from: Ranakastrasz on June 16, 2011, 02:08:33 PM
How about a toggleable option that will cause lanchers to choose a non-optimal target, by when searching for creeper to blast, each cell it looks at, the creeper count is multiplied by a randomy number from 0.5 to 1.5 which would help in large groups, and while they would likely choose suboptimal targets often if they were solo, they would spread their fire out in groups, and far less overkill may occur. The random multiplier could be changed to span a greater or shorter range if needed.
That's a really good idea.
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No, it isn't. I want my launchers to fire at the deepest Creeper at all times, because a second hit will do maximum damage anyway when the density is 500K+.

When the density is lower I actually like it that the player has to think a little and maybe deactivate some launchers in favor of a few blasters/makers, or relocate a few launchers.
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Ebon Heart

What he was suggesting, I believe, was a setting on the launcher where they would randomize their shots a bit more. And I can see how having the shots less random would make you have to think more, too. But launchers can be wasteful when they all waste a bullet on the same low density spot of creeper.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. The smart left a long time ago.
Check out the amazing A Tragedy Forgotten CW2 map series!


just a space of 9 subcells around it would be pretty neat though...


Quote from: UpperKEES on June 16, 2011, 04:01:53 PM
No, it isn't. I want my launchers to fire at the deepest Creeper at all times, because a second hit will do maximum damage anyway when the density is 500K+.

When the density is lower I actually like it that the player has to think a little and maybe deactivate some launchers in favor of a few blasters/makers, or relocate a few launchers.
I agree, that having launchers firing at the Densest creeper at all times makes sense if you are attacking extremely Dense creeper, But correspondingly, When the creeper is not quite as dense, the launchers apply an immense amount of overkill. The Idea I am suggesting would add a Toggle-able option that would cause the launchers to somewhat randomize their targets, so as to reduce overkill. I would think that this suggestion is not that different from adding burst and vacuum modes to makers, as both increase the flexibility of the corresponding unit, and the same thing with blaster targeting priorities. One thing that you I am not sure you you read correctly, was that the way it randomizes it's shots, is that when it calculates the densest creeper to fire at, it skews the result some, which will result in the launchers spreading their damage out some. Now, This does Not mean that they will target areas with zero creeper, and will most likely not target areas with very little creeper (unless that is all that is in range) but will, depending on the random factor range, target creeper that is within a certain percent of the densest creeper in range. For example, if you have 4 possible locations for the launcher to fire, with 100k, 75k, 55k, and 25k creeper for example, and the factor was anywhere from 50% - 100% (obviously this is just an arbitrary value), then the launcher would only choose one of the first 3 to fire at, most likely case woud be the first, less likely for the second, because the first has to be reduced below the second value, which I think would have a change of about 30%, as a guess. The third would almost never be hit, as the first one would need to be reduced by 46%, the second by 35%, and the third one would never be picked at all if it's value was reduced by much more than 8%. As for the forth, there is no chance whatsoever of it being picked, as it is 25% the value of the highest one, and with a maximum leeway of 50%, that is not enough. Now, for your high density creeper masses, with 500k or so, having points with 500k, 480k, 400k, and 260k, all being high enough that they can all be picked with a leeway of 50%, the first will usually be picked, the second with almost the same chance, the third with a more reduced chance, and the forth will be almost never chosen.

Now, if the values were very low, like maxes of 30k, then more than one launcher would be overkill anyway, and you would STILL have to relocate the extras, or deactivate them, as the sub-optimal results will result in overkill, as 15k is a bit low for a launcher's missile to be used on. On the other hand with values such as 100k, targeting other high density areas with 70k creeper, rather than them all targeting the one cell with 100k creeper, would only result in more damage done overall, if you have several launchers.


In areas with high creeper density, some amount of randomization of the launcher fire wouldn't make much difference - there are bound to be many cells with lots of creeper in them, so whichever one the launcher picks, you're assured maximal destruction.

When it comes to it, launchers should also favor spots away from walls, so that none of the blast radius is wasted on terrain tiles.


True, but with lower densities, enough that one or two shots would be effective, but three or more would be overkill, this would allow more to fire at once without overkill. And Im pretty sure that the calculations for Mortars Launchers calculate the amount of creeper in the splash area already, not just the targeted cell.


Maybe a checkbox like the new blasters. 1. Fire at densest creeper 2. Randomize densest creeper cells 3. completely random or something like this

EDIT: How about missles that can retarget themselves. Cuase I hate when I'm on a map and I cleared out part of a cavern but the missle hits nothing. THat could solve our issue with overkill alittle. :)
Never trust a computer that doesn't fit through your nearest window.


Quote from: The Commander on June 18, 2011, 10:40:40 AM
How about missles that can retarget themselves. Cuase I hate when I'm on a map and I cleared out part of a cavern but the missle hits nothing. THat could solve our issue with overkill alittle. :)

This is the perfect idea. Drones and packets are able to seek a new end-point once they get to their original destination, why not missiles?


Like maybe when a missle hits the target, the other missle will find the densest and so on and so forth.
Never trust a computer that doesn't fit through your nearest window.


That would be useful, I wish packets would do that, it gets annoying when they just run straight into a stream of creeper and all explode. Drones should probably do that as well, and I think spores Phantoms. should Priorities closer targets.