Custom ships… I get asked about them a lot. The answer for most is “yes”. There you have it, glad I could help… 🙂
Ah, you might be wondering what the questions where:
- Can you (the player) make custom ships?
- Is it easy to make custom ships?
- Can you play with custom ships in ANY mission?
- Can map authors include custom ships in their maps?
- Are custom ships awesome?
Here’s a screenshot from a recent Exchange map made by an Alpha tester. That big dude is called a “Dual Axe”. Very nice…
Holy crap, how does that thing even MOVE?!? Also, ETA on beta invites? I’m REALLY hoping I get selected.
Jebediah Kerman gets out and pushes it with his EVA thrusters
ermergerd yes
Looks sweet. I hope it is balanced well so you don’t have ships with a million guns with no penalty.
I would think the energy required to fire all those weapons would be quite immense. A million guns does little good if you only have 30 bullets.
Yeah, and the build cost is also gonna be huge. And, if I remember correctly, custom ships get a separate scoreboard.
Nice, can’t wait!
Any info on release date and price?
I don’t think that we will ever need energy sources with so many reactors…
Also, what is this gun behind the MK7’s?
Also, “Beta” tester given the last update. 😉
Who needs a fleet, just build a star destroyer xD
Ahhh… you you said the magic words:
What are those little ships in the distance? Are the drones? What is a massive carrier without an AI fleet after all 😉
That’s no moon!
Oh yeah! That would be an awesome ship to make! Just a giant ball of cannons, drones, MK-7’s, and just general particle death! Or… Virgilw, I think you just made a Star Wars reenactment simulator! ; )
Woot. Carrier has arrived!
it’s…. it’s… it’s….
oh my gosh virgil I NEED THIS GAME AND THAT SHIP
actually I don’t really have money right now, so…..
This ship looks SO cool!!!!!!
I noticed these drones, they look awesome!!!
Is there a limit on how big a ship can be?
Whoa, the fighter runways are huge! At least that’s one new module cleared up. That just leaves the shield and the new cannons on those reactor ships, which are an awesome idea, by the way!
The cannons on the reactor ships are dis-chargers. The weapon that destroys stunners.
Huh. Never realized that’s what they look like. Thanks!
10/10 best strats.
Wait… who are your Alpha testers? Did you pick them, or are they people you know? Just out of curiosity.
In the past, it has generally been people active in the forms, and when the map modding group was still active for cw2 (there was an application for that group), there was an invite to the beta for cw3 in the private forum. Probably similar for PF, community engagement and all.
I am a devote of the Creeper series. Would love to Beta test the latest (or Alpha, etc.) Will still buy the final version + 10 for friends. I have been a VG dev for 20 years. I’ve also supported many indies. Creeperworld, DROD/Caravel, Spiderweb/Avernum + many many more.
Let me know what you’re looking for as far as investment goes. If you don’t need $ I’ll test and report back as needed.
[Email Redacted]
Custom Ships look sweet 😀 No doubt I’ll go power-mad every few games with a custom loadout. Some days there’s nothing quite as satisfying as ripping through your enemy with the force of a Supernova.
At any rate, while custom ships are gonna be great, what I really want to see are the custom ship PIECES. The ones made by players in PRPL. I plan to take a crack at that myself. After beating the Campaign, of course. Gotta understand the existing features before I start adding in new ones. Incidentally, if I made my very own PRPL ship piece, would I be able to create a custom ship with it and then use that in existing levels? Particularly the campaign? Or would that be a stretch too far? Such a feature, if possible, would skyrocket replayability of the campaign immensely.
Either way, I look forward to the day we can play this amazing-looking game. Keep up the excellent work, Virgil!
Custom parts would imbalance the scoreboards though…
Although I vaguely remember V saying he’d have separate scoreboards for stock ships and custom ships… or something like that.
Correct, there is a dedicated scoreboard for customized fleets. Apparently there are three, but I’m not sure what the difference would be between, as I believe they’re called, “Customize Fleet” and “Sandbox Fleet”. Naturally there is one for the fleet the story mission or other stage has by default, so no need to worry about people muscling in on your times with overpowered stuff.
There are three score boards for each mission:
– The normal score board when you play it as designed.
– The custom score board. Here, you can play with custom ships… but the total hull displacement of your custom ships can’t exceed the total hull displacement of the mission’s original collection of ships.
– The sandbox score board. No limits. Play with 24 titan class ships if you wish.
Never fear the particles again with that ship xD
Oh, I’m sure there’ll be plenty of reasons to fear particles in the future, don’t you worry.
I don’t know what monstrosities Virgil is cooking up, but some missions might just require this kind of firepower.
Yeah, there could very well be PRPL creations, if not by virgilw, then by the community. Also, don’t forget the enemy can build your ships.
Will it be possible to make maps with only ships and without mines etc?
This is fukcing Awesome ! :)) I want to play it so harddd 😀 But when you are going to post new gameplays , you know I want to see stuf about this game and you post videos very very slowly .. maybe you let me play the game .. just saying :3 your’re awesome !
I am totally making a map where the enemy gets ships like THIS that you gotta fight.
Really liking how the game is turning out! Following its progress and watching it grow froM nowhere is so satisfying 🙂
Keep up the grade A work Virgil!
This game looks fantastic. Hope the release is soon!
Ok, looks like I have another reason to consider getting a 3-or-more GB computer before my first car.
still want to see an armor module for the hammer so edge part of the haul can take extensive damage before being destroyed. Mainly I see myself using it cut through the enemy struc on maps like the nest