Custom Map: Artillery 1 (BermanPost)

Started by AutoPost, May 25, 2010, 07:15:13 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map: Artillery 1 (BermanPost)

Author: BermanPost

The thing about artillery is you never know where it is going to land; INCOMING!!!


Did you make sure that the map could be won before you tested it? I'm no expert at this game, but until I see a score, I suspect this is a unwinnable map.


All of my maps can be won; I do not submit maps that I have not beat.


Quote from: BermanPost on May 25, 2010, 08:29:22 PM
All of my maps can be won; I do not submit maps that I have not beat.

One has to wonder why then don't you submit your maps with a score?


Quote from: Karsten75 on May 25, 2010, 09:11:43 PM
Quote from: BermanPost on May 25, 2010, 08:29:22 PM
All of my maps can be won; I do not submit maps that I have not beat.

One has to wonder why then don't you submit your maps with a score?

Seconded. You put up a score and I'll believe it.  :)


"Submit with score"?

I have been focusing hard on papers/presentations/exams to make sure I graduated from law school for the last couple months and have not been on the site often.  I take it you do not mean downloading the maps, beating them again, and then submitting the score the way I did with my other map that people could not figure out how to win?


HAHA!  Been so busy with work that you were able to create a map that usually takes a lot longer to create than it does to play
I think someone is lying about something.


Quote from: newuploader1 on May 25, 2010, 09:28:57 PM
HAHA!  Been so busy with work that you were able to create a map that usually takes a lot longer to create than it does to play
I think someone is lying about something.

You do not know me in real life, but you should know that I do not lie.

I did not say I had no time, I said that I have not been at this site that often.  I found making / tweaking / beating the maps rather relaxing.  Nothing I said was contradictory.


Gave it go, got what seemed like a decent defence of a line of mortars, some drones, blasters... then got hit by the surprise surge from both sides.  Now I know it's coming, but... well, I'll wait til the creator sets a score before trying again :)


Quote from: BermanPost on May 25, 2010, 09:34:31 PM
Quote from: newuploader1 on May 25, 2010, 09:28:57 PM
HAHA!  Been so busy with work that you were able to create a map that usually takes a lot longer to create than it does to play
I think someone is lying about something.

You do not know me in real life, but you should know that I do not lie.

I did not say I had no time, I said that I have not been at this site that often.  I found making / tweaking / beating the maps rather relaxing.  Nothing I said was contradictory.

Assuming you beat the map ahead of time to make sure it worked, you should just be able to post the score you got from beating it that first time. If not, then if the map is winnable, then someone will probably be posting a score soon, once they've beaten it.

But you'd save yourself a whole lot of trouble if you'd just send the score you got from completing the map yourself. I've done that for all of my maps without having to play the map a second time. (I did complete them a second time, but only because I'm like that. :))


why are there 3 identical looking maps to this one?  even if the gameplay mechanics are different in each map, people are going to be put off from playing them all because of the similar apperiance.


Quote from: NNR_Alex on May 25, 2010, 10:19:59 PM
why are there 3 identical looking maps to this one?  even if the gameplay mechanics are different in each map, people are going to be put off from playing them all because of the similar apperiance.

Start here:

Author thinks they all deserve their moment in the sun.


well as you guys said in the other thread, the comments (as well as number of downloads) should tell us something.  Also berman, different discriptions for each map would help confirm theses arn't clones of each other.


Quote from: BermanPost on May 25, 2010, 08:29:22 PM
All of my maps can be won; I do not submit maps that I have not beat.

<Things that are rendered moot if a score gets posted>

Here's the thing that is bothering me.......

I opened up the map in the editor. From what I can tell, the basic premise is simple: Every 5 seconds, one random emitter (I say 'random' because they're not lined up in a pattern as to which ones fire off) spurts at an intensity of 1000, then waits for 15 minutes. With the wall up, and with about 7 seconds added to allow creep to reach the wall, the player gets 142 seconds to establish enough of a base that they can hold back the creeper, which then sets up the next part of the strategy where they then advance against the creeper.

So here's the problem.....

Even with tons and tons of mortars, this kind of creeper spawn really can't be staved off. Capping these isn't impossible, but would require 10-15 blasters per emitter (according to my tests), and with (I'm taking a guess here) 900/5 = 180 emitters, that requires 180 * 4-ish blasters (since 1 blaster can cover multiple emitter if they're not all firing at the same time) equals around 700 blasters, with huge variance depending on the actual numbers required.

So not only do you deal with HUGE lag, but you'd have to rebuild infrastructure every time one spawned, since when I tested this sort of thing, the blasters weren't capping it so much as having it surge outwards and them just burning it down before it destroyed them.

Second, as was mentioned before, mortars only blast through 4 layers of creeper. So even if you line up that platform with mortars, you really can't make headway into the creeper.

So I like the idea, but there needs to be some adjustments made.

</Things that are rendered moot if a score gets posted>

In the time it took me to post, the creator finished it and posted a score. Good job!  ;D Now if only anyone else had an idea what was going on.

And in the future, just post a score ahead of time so that we don't start freaking out.


I like the idea behind this map .
To bad you didnt start with an easy one first ,
and made each map a bit harder for each of them .

( easy , medium , hard and expert )

For me it looks way to hard with all those strong Emitters ,
unless you know or find out whats need to be done .

So some hints an tips about how to do it might help abit .
PLZ THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU CALL YOUR TOPIC ! It will make the search work better =)
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