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Rated 2.77/5 (35 Votes)
Title: Battle for Odin City V2
Difficulty: Expert Only
Author: Takiza
Post Date: April 1, 2014 12:17 am
Downloads: 187
Ever wondered what that fateful day was like? The day when hell rained down on you and your people? Beware what you wish for...

You must connect to the totem and rift to Hope, before it is too late!

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RankPlayerScoreTimeTotal Missions
1saca99040 min 34 sec1
2baba99040 min 34 sec1
3Anonymeus99040 min 34 sec1
4WOM84T99040 min 34 sec2
5Frozty99040 min 34 sec1
6Dad98980 min 37 sec2
7Takiza98630 min 50 sec4
8Eat me Cack86949 min 0 sec1
9DoldOR85949 min 48 sec1
10SwampChasis823012 min 54 sec1
11Fid812513 min 50 sec1
12Fackaff802714 min 44 sec1
13bingoair757119 min 14 sec1
14Oldman750819 min 54 sec1
15BEric2000720923 min 13 sec1
16Kimboss710524 min 26 sec1
17GORNES_A703725 min 15 sec4
18AciDeath698225 min 56 sec1
19LucD630035 min 14 sec1
20Rubencio620736 min 39 sec1
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