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Rated 2.73/5 (41 Votes)
Title: Battle for Odin City
Difficulty: Hard
Author: Takiza
Post Date: April 1, 2014 12:17 am
Downloads: 189
What was it like on that fateful day when Creeper rained in droves from the sky? Well, now you get to find out. Hold off the Creeper long enough for Odin City to Rift to Planet Hope. Or all hope will be lost. You must not fail!

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RankPlayerScoreTimeTotal Missions
1mj99070 min 33 sec1
2saca99040 min 34 sec1
3SwampChasis99040 min 34 sec2
4WOM84T99040 min 34 sec4
5jo847510 min 47 sec1
6Eat me Cack840911 min 21 sec1
7Anonymous839611 min 27 sec1
8DoldOR839611 min 27 sec1
9Tim836811 min 42 sec1
10oldmarrieddude824912 min 44 sec1
11pavelkeddy823812 min 49 sec1
12KEDDY817113 min 25 sec1
13Zuzin771517 min 46 sec1
14Takiza757919 min 9 sec1
15ayjude757719 min 11 sec1
16AciDeath742920 min 45 sec1
17bingoair742920 min 45 sec1
18Shrilldaddyo721123 min 12 sec1
19Allan719723 min 22 sec1
20TROUBLE694226 min 25 sec1
21Kimboss669329 min 38 sec1
22s638833 min 55 sec1
23Sergiu601139 min 49 sec1
24Rubencio585042 min 33 sec1
25kem492161 min 55 sec1
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