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Rated 2.9/5 (31 Votes)
Title: happy haloween
Difficulty: Trivial
Author: crazyone76
Post Date: October 27, 2010 1:41 pm
Downloads: 223
Alot of flat terrain here , so make sure you have enought energy to support your firepower .
( SPIFFEN uploaded this map because crazyone76 did'nt manage to do so )

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RankPlayerScoreTimeTotal Missions
1DDUNG86759 min 9 sec2
2Aaron W86339 min 30 sec1
3IkeaPimp86129 min 40 sec1
4snowmaker (JM)851710 min 26 sec1
5saca848710 min 41 sec1
6Keith846110 min 54 sec1
7Richie Rich843911 min 5 sec1
8Webster Jade833711 min 58 sec1
9Mimoune819113 min 15 sec2
10Mixalis77818713 min 17 sec1
11DoldOR817813 min 22 sec1
12L'ythelle816513 min 29 sec1
13justone813613 min 44 sec1
14Patrick S, Nip800914 min 54 sec1
15Frogger792615 min 42 sec1
16dandana785816 min 21 sec1
17BrYK.pl779217 min 0 sec1
18SPIFFEN777917 min 7 sec1
19Anonymous761918 min 45 sec2
20Utztu732721 min 53 sec1
21remus731022 min 4 sec2
22XiuCe718123 min 33 sec1
23Old Man712224 min 14 sec1
24bacon709824 min 31 sec1
25harvey686127 min 27 sec1
26millered649132 min 26 sec1
27ledH3ad633034 min 47 sec1
28Tony604639 min 14 sec1
29LGA601739 min 43 sec1
30firemoon599440 min 6 sec1
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