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Rated 2.95/5 (37 Votes)
Title: A space battle
Difficulty: Medium
Author: Sqaz
Post Date: August 28, 2010 3:41 pm
Downloads: 228
Can you master the creeper in space? With minimal building space can you still power up all totems? I hope so or else you're going to lose this map.

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RankPlayerScoreTimeTotal Missions
1fridge92524 min 51 sec1
2sqaz91635 min 28 sec1
3snowmaker (JM)90935 min 59 sec2
4kiskadee90686 min 10 sec1
5Saca90346 min 24 sec4
6DethbyIT89227 min 14 sec2
7Captain Ford89227 min 14 sec1
8DDUNG88547 min 45 sec1
9Mandy86649 min 15 sec1
10cvtfwlbt85909 min 50 sec1
11wulliwusch818413 min 18 sec1
12Mimoune812113 min 52 sec1
13DoldOr807414 min 18 sec1
14Fraterpotens803214 min 42 sec1
15XiuCe794515 min 31 sec1
16PudPud783616 min 34 sec1
17ADAM745320 min 30 sec1
18harvey744620 min 34 sec1
19helmetflakes713124 min 8 sec1
20JVCCC681328 min 4 sec1
21nomistic660230 min 52 sec1
22Wackturk609238 min 29 sec1
23[K9] Hangdog579143 min 36 sec1
24tomtom578843 min 39 sec1
25Xaris532252 min 44 sec2
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