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This is an old revision of the document!

I think we should set out some guidelines so there is a common look and feel to all all pages created in the wiki. Also some guidelines on the use of color, etc.

Still pondering what would make sense, or if we should retro-actively implement guidelines?

Here is a start:

  • Please restrict use of color to a moderate amount. Judicious use of color aids understanding. Too much color leads to confusion and disharmonious pages.
    • Look here for a chart of all colors. I'd like us to decide on a few of these to use in general.
  • If you feel that sections of the current wiki is in the wrong place, or unnecessary, please don't delete them before having a discussion of your actions. It may also help to tag the section with FIXME (%FIXME%) or DELETEME (%DELETEME%) tags

Here is a list of to-do items:

wiki_editing_guidelines.1358809430.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2014/10/01 15:02 (external edit)