using System; using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic; public class PRPLDocCompiler { private Main main; private int cmdCount; private string currentSection; private string[] docIndexLines; private OrderedDictionaryG<string, List<Tuple<int, string>>> sectionDict; public string resultFile; public void MakePRPLDocs(Main main, string srcDir, string outputDir) { this.main = main; resultFile = null; cmdCount = 0; currentSection = null; sectionDict = new OrderedDictionaryG<string, List<Tuple<int, string>>>(); System.Text.StringBuilder sbcommands = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); System.Text.StringBuilder sbIndex = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); srcDir = srcDir.Trim(); outputDir = outputDir.Trim(); if (srcDir != "" && !srcDir.EndsWith("/") && !srcDir.EndsWith("\\")) { srcDir = srcDir + "/"; } if (outputDir != "" && !outputDir.EndsWith("/") && !outputDir.EndsWith("\\")) { outputDir = outputDir + "/"; } try { docIndexLines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(srcDir + "prpldocindex.txt"); foreach (string i in docIndexLines) { ProcessDocFile(srcDir, i.Trim(), sbcommands); } System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.Append(@" <html> <head> <style type='text/css'> html {font-family: Monaco, Consolas, 'Andale Mono', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', monospace;} a {text-decoration: none;} a:link {color: green;} a:visited {color: green;} a:hover {color: blue;} a:active {color: black;} code { font-size: 90%; line-height: 1.2em; font-family: Monaco, Consolas, 'Andale Mono', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', monospace; white-space: pre; white-space: pre-wrap; white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; white-space: -o-pre-wrap; display: block; color: #555555; background: #f4f4f4; } .command_syntax { padding: 1px 5px; font-size: 110%; font-weight:bold; background-color: #bfc7cf; color: #000000; width:850px; } .command_body{ padding: 1px 1px 50px 15px; } .example{ padding: 0px 0px 5px 0px; } .description{ padding: 0px 0px 5px 0px; } .index {border-spacing:20px;} .index tr{vertical-align:top;} .section {width: 400px; background-color:#d0d0d0; border-spacing:1px;} .section th{ font-size: 120%;} .section td{ padding: 0px 0px 0px 4px;} .section tr:nth-child(odd) {background-color: #f7f7f7;} .section tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #ffffff;} .sectionHead{background-color:#e0e7ef !important;} .fullList{font-size:55%; padding:0} </style > </head > <body> <div id=""wrapper"" style=""display:flex""> "); sb.Append(""); GenerateDocSections(sb,sbIndex); sb.Append("\n<div style=\"float:right\">"); sb.Append(sbcommands); sb.Append(@" </div> </div> <div class=""fullList""><p> "); sb.Append(sbIndex); sb.Append(@"</p></div> <script type=""text/javascript""> function handleListClick(e) { var anchor =; var cmd = anchor.firstChild.nodeValue; //funcById(""commandList"",close); //reset(); //funcById(""topLink"",open); funcById(cmd,toggle); document.title = defaultTitle + "": "" + cmd; } function handleListSectionTitleClick(e) { toggle(; document.title = defaultTitle; } function toggle(elem) { if ( == ""none"") { = """"; } else { = ""none""; } } function funcById(id, func) { func(document.getElementById(id)); } function close(elem) { = ""none""; } function open(elem) { = """"; } var defaultTitle = ""PRPL Docs""; document.title = defaultTitle; var wrapper = document.body.firstElementChild; var cmdList = wrapper.firstElementChild; var cmdSection = cmdList.firstElementChild; while (cmdSection !== null) { close(cmdSection.firstElementChild.nextElementSibling); cmdSection = cmdSection.nextElementSibling; } //var toplink = cmdList.nextElementSibling; function reset() { var docSection = cmdList.nextElementSibling;//start at the first doc section. var docCmd; //close(toplink); open(cmdList); while (docSection.tagName !== ""SCRIPT"") { docCmd = docSection.firstElementChild; while (docCmd !== null) { close(docCmd); docCmd = docCmd.nextElementSibling; } docSection = docSection.nextElementSibling; } } reset(); </script> </body> </html>"); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(outputDir + "PRPLDocs.html", sb.ToString()); resultFile = outputDir + "PRPLDocs.html"; main.LogMessage("COMPLETE: HTML file created: " + resultFile); } catch (Exception e) { main.LogMessage("ERROR: " + e.Message); main.LogMessage(e.StackTrace); } } private void ProcessDocFile(string srcDir, string sect, System.Text.StringBuilder sbcommands) { currentSection = sect; string f = srcDir + sect + ".txt"; main.LogMessage("Processing File: " + f); if (System.IO.File.Exists(f)) { string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(f); for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { string l = lines[i].TrimStart(); if (l.StartsWith("=CMD")) { i = ProcessDocCMD(sbcommands, lines, i); } } } else { main.LogMessage("File Not Found: " + f); } } private void GenerateDocSections(System.Text.StringBuilder sb, System.Text.StringBuilder sbIndex) { sb.Append("<div id=\"commandList\" style=\"float:left\">\r\n"); //bool open = false; for (int i = 0; i < docIndexLines.Length; i++) { //sb.Append("<td>\r\n"); if (!sectionDict.ContainsKey(docIndexLines[i].Trim())) { sb.Append(" "); } else { GenerateDocSection(sb, sbIndex, docIndexLines[i].Trim()); } //sb.Append("</td>\r\n"); //if (i % 2 == 1) { // sb.Append("</tr>\r\n"); //open = false; //} } //if (open) { //sb.Append("</tr>\r\n"); //open = false; //} /* sb.Append("<tr>\r\n"); sb.Append("<td>\r\n"); GenerateDocSection(sb, "Vars and Functions"); sb.Append("</td>\r\n"); sb.Append("<td>\r\n"); GenerateDocSection(sb, "Logic"); sb.Append("</td>\r\n"); sb.Append("</tr>\r\n"); */ sb.Append("</div>"); } private void GenerateDocSection(System.Text.StringBuilder sb, System.Text.StringBuilder sbIndex, string section) { int cols = 1; sb.Append("<table class='section'>\n\t<thead>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<th colspan='" + cols.ToString() +"' onclick=handleListSectionTitleClick(event)>" + section + "</th>\r\n"); sb.Append("\t\t</tr>\n\t</thead>\n\t<tbody>\n"); List<Tuple<int, string>> list = sectionDict[section]; int cc = 0; //sbIndex.Append("<p>\n"); // open = false; foreach (Tuple<int, string> tup in list) { if (cc % cols == 0) { sb.Append("\t\t<tr>\r\n"); //open = true; } string cs; if (cc == list.Count - 1) { cs = "colspan='" + (cols - (cc % cols)).ToString() + "'"; } else { cs = ""; } sb.Append("\t\t\t<td " + cs + " >\n\t\t\t\t<a onclick=handleListClick(event)>" + tup.Item2 + "</a>\n\t\t\t</td>\r\n"); sbIndex.Append(" <a onclick=handleListClick(event)>" + tup.Item2 + "</a> \r\n"); if (cc % cols == cols-1) { sb.Append("\t\t</tr>\r\n"); //open = false; } cc++; } //if (open) { sb.Append("\t</tbody>\r\n"); // open = false; //} //sbIndex.Append("</p>\n"); sb.Append("</table>\r\n"); } private int ProcessDocCMD(System.Text.StringBuilder sb, string[] lines, int pos) { System.Text.StringBuilder currCmdStr = new System.Text.StringBuilder (); string cmd = ""; sb.Append (@" <div class='command' id="""); currCmdStr.Append("\" >\n"); string startingSection = currentSection; int i; for (i = pos; i < lines.Length; i++) { string l = lines[i].TrimStart(); if (l.StartsWith("=ENDCMD")) { break; } else if (l.StartsWith("=CMDCLASS")) { ProcessDocCMDCLASS(currCmdStr, l); } else if (l.StartsWith("=COMMAND")) { cmd = ProcessDocCOMMAND(currCmdStr, l); } else if (l.StartsWith("=DESC")) { i = ProcessDocDESC(currCmdStr, lines, i); } else if (l.StartsWith("=EX")) { i = ProcessDocEX(currCmdStr, lines, i); } } currentSection = startingSection; sb.Append(cmd); sb.Append(currCmdStr); sb.Append("\t\t</div>\r\n"); sb.Append("\t</div>\r\n"); return i; } private void ProcessDocCMDCLASS(System.Text.StringBuilder sb, string l) { string sect = l.Substring("=CMDCLASS".Length).Trim(); if (sect != "") { currentSection = sect; } //sb.Append("<a name='"+sect+"'></a>\r\n"); } private string ProcessDocCOMMAND(System.Text.StringBuilder sb, string l) { string cmd = l.Substring("=COMMAND".Length).Trim(); string[] splitcmd = cmd.Split(' ', '('); List<Tuple<int, string>> section = null; if (sectionDict.ContainsKey(currentSection)) { section = sectionDict[currentSection]; } else { section = new List<Tuple<int, string>>(); sectionDict[currentSection] = section; } section.Add(new Tuple<int, string>(cmdCount, splitcmd[0])); sb.Append("\t\t<div class='command_syntax'><a onclick=handleListClick(event)>"); sb.Append(cmd); //sb.Append("<span class='backtotop'><a href='#index'>[TOP]</a></span>"); sb.Append("</a></div>\r\n"); cmdCount++; return splitcmd [0]; } private int ProcessDocDESC(System.Text.StringBuilder sb, string[] lines, int pos) { sb.Append("\t\t<div class='command_body'>\r\n"); sb.Append("\t\t\t<div class='description'>\r\n"); sb.Append("\t\t\t\t<b>Description</b>\r\n"); sb.Append("\t\t\t\t<div>\r\n"); int i; for (i = pos + 1; i < lines.Length; i++) { if (lines[i].Trim() == "=ENDDESC") { break; } else { //sb.Append(lines[i].TrimStart().Substring(2) + " "); sb.Append(lines[i].TrimEnd() + " "); } } sb.Append("\n\t\t\t</div>\r\n"); sb.Append("\t\t</div>\r\n"); sb.Append("\t\t<div>\r\n"); sb.Append("\t\t\t<b>Examples</b>\r\n"); sb.Append("\t\t</div>\r\n"); return i; } private int ProcessDocEX(System.Text.StringBuilder sb, string[] lines, int pos) { sb.Append("\t\t\t<div class='example'>\r\n"); sb.Append("\t\t\t\t<code>\n"); int i; for (i = pos + 1; i < lines.Length; i++) { if (lines[i].Trim() == "=ENDEX") { break; } else { //sb.Append(lines[i].TrimStart().Substring(2) + "\r\n"); sb.Append(lines[i].TrimEnd() + "\r\n"); } } sb.Append("\t\t\t\t
sb.Append("\t\t\t</div>\r\n"); return i; }