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Porters collect wares or energy in “pods” and and transport these pods over large distances.
Wares are resources, either “raw”, unprocessed that can be from Redon, Bluite or Greenar, or processed by the Factory into Arg, Anti-Creeper, or Liftic, respectively.
The cargo size of a pod can be set to 10-50, in multiples of 10. The map size of a pod is always 3×3.
The range of a porter is unlimited (whole map). While in-game, the route is shown with an arc (implying a ballistic trajectory to the target), it is actually delivered by a normally moving delivery drone.
There are a total of three parts to the Porter and it's cargo: The base unit (identified as porter, with options to determine what cargo, pod size, and repeat/non repeat), the delivery drone (exact same options), and the pod itself. If the Porter is not set for repeat delivery, then the pod is independent; if the delivery is repeating, then the pod can point back to the originating porter.
If the destination of a route is not clear – generally, this means the previous pod is still present – then the delivery drone will wait in the air for the ground to be free. You can manually destroy the old pod (new pod will land, unload, and return for the next load), or give the drone a new landing location (new pod will land at the new location, unload, and then repeat delivery to the new location). Caution! Be certain that the *pod* on the ground is selected, and not the *porter* itself.
Pods are destroyed if touched by creeper. However, a delivery drone will not land if there is creeper at the destination. So, a pod load of liftic can be sent near a totem, and it will wait for a squad of cannon (or mortar) to clear a landing spot. This can secure a totem as a drop shipment, without having to fight to it.
Pods do not need to be sent to very long distances; they can also be sent anywhere in your tower network, to act as storage. This gives a way to store surplus resources. Since there is no way to automatically land “near” the target, you would need to intervene for every pod. This makes it very hard to act as a storage battery. (AC can be stored in a pool much more easily with sprayers than by porters in a pod.)
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